Another tense 2 hour match with Oa, but managed to pull out the win this time.
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4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 5c0 5c0 5cg 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 71a 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 7ae 7ae 7ah 7ah 7dm 7dm 7t9 8pm
G1 L: 1 creature in 12 cards
G2 W: T1 Arse and Frog led to a fairly comfortable win.
G3 W: He had a lot of CC in the beginning but ran out later on, was pretty close.
G4 L: Long game, would have won had I balanced the deck properly with a pillar/pend split.
G5 W: Another long one, eventually won out with Green Nymph pushing damage and staying burrowed to dodge CC. Oa chose to use EC.
G6 W: Opened Arse but no second Nova until about 13 cards in. Decent start otherwise, he had a few Dials but didn't have enough CC or healing to live.