Thanks a lot for putting up with this stall and for the sportsmanship when the match started being plagued by disconnects
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5l9 5lg 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5rj 5rj 5ro 5ro 5ro 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 7k2 7k2 7k2 8pq
(Description reconstructed from team chat)
Game 1 (win): Saw furkannnO entering the game with a mark of aether. My deck was fatter, so didn't even needed to rewind my photon. I get slightly confused though, since after 5-6 turns furkannnO only played aether pillars and pendulumns. After a while he plays his first RoL. He bottomdecked his fractal and when he managed to play it I had my full stall up. Chained dials to finish him (fun fact I misclicked and played the reflective over a procrastination thinking I was discarding the reflective
![Huh? ?_?](
). He seems to have few dragons so this should not be hard.
Game 2 (win): He got an early RoL, followed by fractal and hope. I played an early Procrastination and 2 Sancts, so I was handling his damage fine. I had miracles and dials in hand in case he tried to burst damage with a dragon + fractal. We were approaching the end of the match and I was gonna start chaining dials in some 3 or 4 turns, when the first disconnect happens. furkannnO recognized that there was no way he'd outdamage my healing so fast, so he gave the win.
Game 3a (disconnect): Server kept derping and for a while we could not find each other. Got a good hand, with some quanta, a miracle and a sanct and he got an early RoL, but we disconnected really early in the match (around turn 10), so we decide to start everything over again.
Game 3b (win): I get a 1 pendulumn start and have to discard an eternity (since it is kinda useless in this game). furk tries to rush me with an early nymph and an early RoL + fractal. Unfortunately for him I manage to play 3 sancts and a procrastination, so my HP slowly recovers. Eventually he plays his dragon, leaving him with one card in hand. Figure he is trying to wear me down to OTK me, so I play a dial to gain me some time and move me farther from OTK range. Finally, when I'm 4 turns away from starting the dial chain (with all miracles in hand) and furk is still trying to get me to OTK range we have our third disconnect. furkannnO concedes the match in the end.
ggs, furkannnO and gl to team light.