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Good games, nice deck team Light.
G1 (Win):
Knew what I'd be facing as soon as I saw the mark and 30 cards. Lost the toss. 4 quanta start, but I topdeck another to get to 5. This is important, it means I can play a dragon on the third turn. Fahren pops out very early for haink. We get to the point where I can kill him the next turn if he doesn't play sundial - luckily for me he doesn't have one 13 cards in. With 11 fire quanta he needs to throw 3 bolts at a dragon to survive the turn, but I have 2(?) SoFr out and it survives.
G2 (Win):
Similar to G1. 4 quanta start, but this time I don't get the quanta topdeck. 3rd turn dragon pops out with 2 SoFr. Another early fahren for him, and a 5 pend start means a lot of fire quanta. On my 6th turn I have a 75% chance to kill him with Skyblitz. I take the shot, and it works.
G3 (Loss):
Won the cointoss. 3 quanta start, enough for a 4th turn dragon. Only a 2 pend start for haink this time, but fahren ASAP once again. This time haink plays around Skyblitz with two sundials, then miracles. I knock him back down into killing range, but 2 more dials and 5 firebolts are enough to kill me.
G4 (Win):
No idea who won the cointoss. Strong quanta draw for him, but no fahren until the final turn. Meanwhile I start with a damsel and a pillar. I topdeck two damsels in a row for a 4th turn dragon, then another to get to the 6 quanta per turn sweet spot. Haink plays the same combo as last game - 2 dials, miracle, more dials, but without fahren chipping away at me I'm still far too healthy to kill. Haink is forced to bolt my dragons, and kills 3 before I play a SoFr. I play a 4th with 1 SoFr out, which dies, and a 5th, which evades. At this point haink has an empty hand. He draws fahren, then I blitz for the win.