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Predicted Fractix, but knew from testing matchup could be close against a fast start from DANI. I witnessed no such starts.
Game 1
Lost toss, slow start, but had Nightmare in starting hand. 30 cards + Aether Mark looked like Fractix, but only quanta was being played. Weird... Just kept going and filled DANIs hand with Devs. When cards were finally played, it was a tiny Fractal Phoenix, that was completely harmless.
Game 2
Lost toss, had an extremely fast start. Devs were trolling Fractal badly for quite some time. When Fractal Phoenix did come, it was a significant threat, but even the one turn of SoPa -as well as damage done up until then-, made me keep up. Dusk sealed the deal.
Game 3
Another slow start, but tons of SoPa. Drew lone Nightmare after the first Fractal this time. Seemed to be comfortable ahead of the damage race when suddenly Dim Shield?! Dusk kept me somewhat safe while I endured 3 turns of no healing onslaught.