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Early vagger all games.
G1 couldnt get a grav shield until i was pretty low, couldnt do anything about vagger and since i had to use one bb on a crawler early I didnt draw enough CC for all toadfishes. Last turn I chose not to play a stoneskin on 20 hp with a relatively cluttered hand (but only one stoneskin), he had 12 dmg output on the board that I couldnt take care of, 6

and at least 3 toadfishes on the board 2(or 3?) of which I had taken care of. He plays one of his last toadfishes and nightmare for lethal. Admittedly I forgot about nightmares dmg potential here and died with stone skin in hand like an idiot, but with only one in hand which would only heal 30 at the time, i still would have needed some nice topdecks in the next 2 turns in order to survive.
G2 turn 4 protected shield, quanta issues and early vagger actually make the game seem close for a while, but eventually I get enough stoneskins to deal with 6 dmg a turn and some small burst dmg.
G3 Hey, gravity shield, EA, enough quanta to get it out turn 2 and a BB in starting hand! How about I draw absolutely f*n nothing for the next 12 turns while JcJ gets ALL the toadfishes. And oh yh early vagger, but thats expected, isn't it? After 7 turns or so I drew one armor for a toadfish, never to see another CC card.
G4 quanta and quanta and more quanta... Oh an enchant artefact? Who'd have thought I put actual cards in the deck? Topdeck gravityshield to actually get my hopes up for a bit. Jcj had 4 toadfishes out pretty early, while I didnt draw ANY cc card all game. Quanta flood didnt make my SS big either since no way to stop dmg means I had to use them much earlier than usual. Did I mention Vagger? Go figure...
I thought 8/34 was better than 5/30. Seems I was wrong.
Well played JcJ, though.
Interestingly a less reliable prototype of this deck lost 0-3 in testing(terrible rng there, too plus some more clutter in the deck), but when I tested this version against myself (same decks) it went 3-0 as one should expect, given that its draw chances shouldn't be lower than toadmares with so few cards in the deck and it can nullify all cards in Toadmare (at least if you see Stoneskin as nullifying burst).