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Deck went 3-1 in testing vs. fractix, fractix kicked everything else in gravity's ass. Prediction win

Game 1: Start slowly, not sure if facing pugons or fractix. (Didn't want to overdrive a titan if he had pu). He ended up playing a pheonix, so I dumped my hand. Not sure if I cata'd or not, but won by a turn. Setting the pace for the entire match XD
Game 2: Still not sure if he had deflags or not, so I left a titan without flying (meant I played it a turn earlier, and I thought it was worth the risk). He exploded it. Ended up blowing up a catapult as well, so I knew he had atleast 2 deflags, I expected 3. If I had topdecked an animate weapon, I would have won. As it was, I lost by however many turns it was before I drew an AW.
Game 3: Pretty confident now, knew the main makeup of his deck, so I rushed. He played a pheonix before he could fractal, so I overdrived it (had 2 in opening hand) and he had no fodder. Was able to win even with him destroying a catapult.
Game 4: My starting hand was crap. For reference, the screenshot is from turn 3:

I figured I was doomed, but got insanely lucky and he didn't draw any deflags, meaning that I could just sqeak out the quanta for 2 titans and a catapult. Launched a cata 2 turns before I died. If he topdecked or had a deflag I lost. He didn't, and pulted my way to victory