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Hello my name is RR and today I will be discussing work. The first thing one has to know is, do not speedbuild decks for war. It never turns out pretty.
I guess if you're reading here, you don't want to hear me talk about work though, you just want match summaries.
Game 1: Toss Loss. A nice overall quanta start for Dani, mine was... abundant, let's say. I also had two gemrider, a poseidon, and a couple of SoPs by turn two. Turns out Dani managed to draw three deflags and four rts in the upper half of the deck, thus preventing me from doing anything useful or drawing CC. Got a warden, but it was not enough to stop phoenixes. 0-1 overall.
Game 2: Toss idr. Very nice start for me, think 1/2 shards, 2 cc boopers, 2 gemriders, enough quanta. No poseidon could've hurt, but fahren ended up showing itself late and something like 3 RTs weren't enough to stall my draws. Won by a comfortable margin. 1-1.
Game 3: Toss win. It was not the game 3 start but it was still workable. Trying to not crucify myself by spending quanta I was going to need and playing around RT worked. Fahren was not very late, but it was not going to match my speed. 2-1.
Game 4: Toss Loss. 4 quanta for Dani, 3 for me, without gemriders. I didn't have any warden clogging up my starting draw though, and this helped. I had just enough quanta to keep a squid on board all the time, and managed to land a poseidon down pretty early and break some pillars. Fahren dropped pretty early, and I believe that without drawing gemrider to power up the Poseidon it was going to rack up enough damage to beat me down. I think I had about 19 hps left at the end. 3-1.