Match desc!
Match 1: I see Gravy mark and joke about how DBH vs Sancstall is always a 50-50 matchup on Discord RNG. And then he played SoFo, when I realized that it was gonna be a 50-50 matchup. First SoFo went uncountered and ate up too sancs, but I managed to stabilize with a sanc and a miracle. Saw some interesting cards from him in Momentum and AW, but I soon had enough to kill the momentumed Amethyst dragon. Second SoFo never came down.
Match 2: Closest game. I kinda misplayed by using a second zap on charger after killing the first SoFo. Then the second SoFo came down to provide enough PC to stop me. Might have delayed the game by playing a dial alongside the dim, but that would leave me with very few chances to win.
Match 3: 2 pend draw, disco into Black Hole and SoFo from ian. Rushed down in 6/7 turns.
Match 4: 3 pend draw for me... when discord transforms my 6

and 1

into 4

! I play sanc and stay cautious about SoFo. So I'm ready once double SoFo comes down, and manage a comfortable win.
ggs ian, best of luck going forward. And whooo Jenk ^^ Gratz on bringing in that crucial win.