Regained internet access; time to load some stats.
Games: 200
avg. Sec/Game: 78.725
Sec/Turn: 9.202220923
Clicks/Game: 13.715
Clicks/Turn: 1.603156049
Score/Min: 21.58018419
Electrum/Min: 24.28580502
Time overall (min.): 262.417
Wins: 189
Ems: 142
Losses: 11
Score: 5663
Electrum: 6373
IG Score Efficiency: 1294.81/hr
Avg ttw: 8.275
ttw 3: 0
ttw 4: 1
ttw 5: 8
ttw 6: 28
ttw 7: 35
ttw 8: 43
ttw 9: 32
ttw 10: 20
ttw 11: 11
ttw 12: 4
ttw 13: 2
ttw 14: 1
ttw 15: 1
ttw 16: 2
ttw 19: 1
Okay, so here are the issues I noticed while playing this deck.
1) Too many support cards. The damage potential here is severely reduced by the number of cards used to gain EMs/control the opponent. For one, I felt the Animate Weapon is unnecessary as I either never drew a 2nd Discord to make it worth using or using it really didn't have a positive outcome on the duel itself (some instances actually gave the opponent quanta I didn't want them to receive, which was frustrating). Heal-based Speedbows tend to use 4 cards to gain EMs. Personally I would like to see a similar number here as well.
2) Quanta production. This mainly goes for Discord in general. The odds of you drawing 1 Pendulum in your first hand are far greater than drawing 2 Pends in your first hand. As such, it can take 3 turns before you get to play your first Discord, by which time the opponent has had sufficient time to set up their own quanta and can shrug off Discord's effects much more easily than before. The only possible way to remedy this would be to change the Pends to Towers or change them from

with a

mark to

with an

mark. Both of these have their drawbacks, unfortunately; though the build is overall more consistent, the potential for a fast launch is greatly reduced. I tested several different mods for several hours today and could not create a build which stood out to me above all else; either the build does not exist and this is the best we can do, or I'm missing something, the latter of which is probably the case.
3) No Pend draws. These were the most damaging to this deck in general. From memory I had 8 draws overall with 0 Pends in the starting hand. With the exception of 2, each of these games received a loss with the remaining 6 receiving a very high TTW value for the game played. The only way to solve this issue entirely would be to swap the Pends/Mark around, but as I said, this should cause the deck to be slower overall while granting it greater stability.
Aside from these changes I wanted to add more Precognitions specifically. I find them especially useful for getting the cards you need, when you need them. However, I'm still in a debate as to what other cards would work best.
Overall, the deck is fantastic at what it does, but I feel that the inconsistency that accompanies a Rainbow is what is limiting this deck's potential.