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The-Compeltely-Unoriginal-but-Semi-Original FGBow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15364#msg15364
« on: January 03, 2010, 02:58:34 am »
Deck Helper comment: 
This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now.  Use at your own risk.

Anyway, this is the rainbow deck I use against FGs.

*Note: This is a variation of a Rainbow deck Jmizzle has in the works. I found this build and decided I liked it.*
*Add. Note: Now Jmizzle is going down a completely different path with his rainbow.*
*Add. Note: Now he says he's going back to something like this. Will he PLEASE post his version, if it's different? :) *
*Add. Note: Named so due to the fact that there have been past entropy FG bows, but this is a bit of a new take on one*

This Deck's Win Percentage (1.17): 60.5%
This Deck's Win Percentage (1.18): 60.0%
This Deck's Win Percentage (1.19): 66%
This Deck's Win Percentage (1.21): 67%
This Deck's Win Percentage (1.22): 60%
*This is gotten periodically from the statstics page listed later. Just made here in big letters to help.

First off, I guess I'll show the deck.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52n 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u6 71b 71b 74b 74b 77f 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7do 7do 7gp 7n3 7q5 7q5 7q8 7t9 80h 80h 8pj


Statistics - V1.17
Statistics Page (Original Build): http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=107358030 (http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=107358030)
Statistics Page (Minus Pulverizer plus Gravity Shield): http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=2671534917 (http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=2671534917) --- FrozenFlame
Statistics Page (Plus 2 towers and 1 hourglass): http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=2353768092 (http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=2353768092) --- Essence

Statistics - V1.18
Statistics Page (Original Build): http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=2674882292 (http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=2674882292)
Statistics Page (Minus Pulverizer plus Gravity Shield): http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=104149759 (http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=104149759) -- FrozenFlame

Statistics - V1.19
Statistics Page (Original Build): http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=3899147874 (http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=3899147874)
Statistics Page (2 Antimatter, 3 Sundials, 1 Phase Shield, 1 Feral Bond, -1 SoG, Boneyard upped): http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=3747198029 (http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=3747198029) -- MrBlonde

Statistics - V1.20
Statistics Page (2 Antimatter, 3 Sundials, 1 Phase Shield, 1 Feral Bond, -1 SoG, Boneyard upped): http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=1094525422 (http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=1094525422) -- MrBlonde

Statistics - V1.21
Statistics Page (Original Build): http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=17556311 (http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=17556311)
Statistics Page (-1 Pulvy, +1 Butterfly Effect): http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=1078914375 (http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=1078914375)

Statistics - V1.22
Statistics Page (Original Build): http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=2550313709 (http://elementsstatistics.comxa.com/getstatistics.php?dv=2550313709Basically,)

Basically, I had a 34 card version that still used dials, but I've decided I like this version. It relies on gaining early control of the board fast, and then any extra damage you get from the queen and druid is a bonus; they are required in very few gods. The druid is really only needed against a few gods to mutate the big creatures down to size, against other gods it just serves to make the game faster. Many games I've won with just an oty immortalized and a pulvy/eternity (plus spell cards and permanents).  The permafrost shield actually works out very well; don't knock it 'till you try it.

However, even though you're trying to get control fast, make sure the false god won't nuke you next turn. In other words, know what false god you're playing and know what type of control it has. If it's holding cards in hand and has creature control, you probably don't want to play that oty until you can quint it too. If it has permanent control, you might not want to play those sogs until the god starts doing more than 10 or so damage a turn.

About decking out:
1) NEVER play more than 1 hourglass unless you're desperate and KNOW you will have the quanta to draw twice every turn (4+ Qts).
2) Stop drawing with 5-9 cards left depending on what you need and how close you are to winning.

God-by-god Breakdown:

Chaos Lord: Control: Some steals, explosions, congeals, discords, and improved mutations.
Maxwell Demons aren't very dangerous. Like with a lot of the gods, an immortal oty is epic. You can play one not quinted, though. Just look at how many cards are in CL's hand and then his quantum. If it seems like he could play that card but hasn't, and he also has some rays of light on the field, chances are it's a congeal. In that case I would attempt to stall for a quintessence. Also immortalize your FQ. Firestorm and bonewall are great here, and permafrost shield can help by freezing the druids so they can't mutate. Overall pretty easy, my only loss was due to it getting a mutant with destroy on the second turn. Difficulty: 4/10.

Dark Matter: Control: Black Holes, Gravity Pull, Otyughs
For this deck, hold on to those novas until you can use tons of them and get a nice one turn combo out (3x snova then oty and quint, for instance). Otherwise the quantum generated from them will simply be sucked up next turn. Try not to play an oty without a quint. And then try to firestorm so your oty can eat something (unless it then plays a gravity nymph, which is the only creature it has with under 5 health). If it plays a gravity nymph and you have no way to stop it, you're in trouble :)  . Difficulty: 8/10.

Decay: Control: Siphon Life, Steal, Pests (quanta)
You probably won't be able to take out all the pests until you get 2x firestorm, but you don't really need to. A permafrost shield and you're good. Try to quint an oty and get the boneyard out to draw off the siphon lifes. So long as you get adequate quanta early you're probably going to be fine. Difficulty: 6/10.

Destiny: Control: Rewinds/Eternity
Immortal oty again, usually equals a win. Unless you get lots of early quantum, try not to play the oty unless it's quinted. Also, an early pulvy killing Destiny's hourglasses is killer. I usually steal a time tower to give you quantum for rewind if necessary and to allow you to hasten more often. Difficulty: 4/10.

Divine Glory: Control: Lots of explosions.
Very hard; you can't kill its creatures and it has miracles. Really you need an amazing draw and hope that it gets a bad one (ie no burning towers). Rely on getting your FQ and druid and oty and boneyard and bone wall out early. In other words, get your entire set up out very fast. That way you can have some mutants doing damage while your FQ and otys are devoted to maintaining the bone wall. It WILL eventually get around the wall though. Difficulty: 9/10.

Dream Catcher: Control: Butterfly Effect, Discord, Black Hole, Quicksand .... Let's just say lots :)   of different thangs.
Dream catcher is either easy or very hard; it all depends on its draw. If it quints a butterfly creature early, you're probably screwed. You can still win if it quints an entropy nymph, just keep the permafrost shield up so it will freeze every now and then. Also, you need a quinted oty relatively early or the butterfly WILL come out. Difficulty: 6/10, or 8/10.

Elidnis: Control: Congeal, Ulitharid
This god is rather weird. It is usually pretty easy, but there's times when it will get some really quick immortal forest spirits. Then you're (sometimes) in for a beating. Try not to play your main creatures in this matchup (oty and druid if a forest spirit gets away, FQ otherwise) until you can quint them. Bone walls are great if you can keep one going and get one established, but depending on the number of immortal creatures permafrost shield could be better. And make sure you can deal with sudden TU spam before you start making huge mutants. Note on new skill poisonous: makes it a bit harder, but you can refrain from eating the puffer fishes if you can make do with a permafrost shield, and if not you can mutate then eat them. Difficulty: 6/10

Eternal Phoenix: Control: Explosions, Fire Lances, Fire Storm,  Lightning
Very hard; unless you get an amazing draw and get a super fast quinted oty out with a fire storm ready and it gets a comparably horrible draw. Only played a few games against it, so that's all I got for now. Difficulty: 8.5/10

Ferox: Control: None
Another easy god as long as you have either an oty or a bone wall and fire storm in your hand or early in your deck. Permafrost shield works wonders with this god, too. In this matchup the fire fly queen and druid are really only good for extra damage. If you must discard a card, discard a quintessence. Difficulty: 4/10.

Firefly Queen: Control: Fire Lances, Eagle Eyes
An early immortal otyugh is pretty much a guaranteed win. Immortalize your druid and your oty. If its mid-late game and you have an established oty, steal a bond since this is a match you can usually create a lot of creatures. Otherwise steal an EE. Here, use permafrost shield to stall as long as possible while waiting for a fire storm + bone wall combo, or even just a fire storm. Difficulty: 4/10.

Gemini: Control: Electrocutor (only two)
One of the easier gods for other decks, it's actually pretty hard with this one. You need to clear the board fast using an oty and also have to draw your druid early enough if you can't stifle its gravity towers with a pulvy. Don't worry too much about quintessences unless Gemini gets an early electrocutor out; it only has two. Even if you get an oty and druid out, you may not be able to stop the momentumed dragons fast enough to win due to no dials. Basically if you get a fast quantum start and a pulvy, you're good. Difficulty: 6.5/10.

Graviton: Control: Gravity Pull, Explosions, Otyughs, Rain of Fire (only two)
One of the harder gods with this deck; you need either an immortal oty and a firestorm or 2x firestorm. If it has no cards in its hand, you can probably get away with one that isn't immortal. Otherwise, since you have no sundials, the gravity forces can really get you. Stealing the gravity shield early on can help, but be wary of it momentuming the firemasters once they get strong. Due to the need to stall to set up your combo and then stall to finish eating the firemasters, it's usually a pretty hard game. Difficulty: 8/10.

Hermes: Control: Explosions, Fire Lances, Fire Storms
With Hermes it's either really easy or really hard. An early oty that you immortalize is pretty much a win, especially with a firestorm and bonewall as well. But if Hermes draws lots of explosions early on you're dead in the water. And if you don't get that oty or quintessence early, it can get out of hand. An early permafrost shield can help too, if it isn't destroyed. Difficulty: 9/10.

Incarnate: Control: Bloodsuckers, Retrovirii (Neither are very good creature control)
Easy god, you can actually get away with no bone wall if you just use the permafrost shield and an oty. And if you can quintessence your oty, you don't even need to wait for a firestorm to get rid of the bloodsuckers before you play it. Steal a graveyard since you'll be doing lots of killing. If you get an early pulverizor, I like to destroy any eclipses to kill the vampires with a single firestorm. After you're established, let the eclipses go since they only help you. Difficulty: 4/10.

Miracle: Control: None
Usually considered one of the easier gods, if you don't get a bone wall or the permafrost shield up and an oty early, it's very easy to lose. I usually don't even bother using the quintessences due to no control. Still rather easy, but a glory and lots of early dragons can result in a loss. Difficulty: 5/10.

Morte: Control: Retrovirii, Plagues
Haven't played this god much, but probably a medium match up. If you can establish an oty and firefly queen, you're probably good since the plagues won't hurt them once they're immortalized. The permafrost shield is a good staller while you wait for a fire storm and bone wall. Wait to play the boneyard until you have the oty quinted, or it will be plagued once you reach the oty and two skeletons. Difficulty: 5/10.

Neptune: Control: Congeal, Shockwave, Octopi
So easy it's funny. It rarely gets a lot of damage out early, so it's easy to stall for a quinted oty. Once you have that, quint the FQ unless you get a boneyard and druid first. It will waste all the shockwaves and congeals on the fireflys/mutants/skeletons. Difficulty: 3/10.

Obliterator: Control: Gravity Pull and Pulverizor
A very hard god. If it gets an early PAd pulverizor, I usually just quit, since after that the shriekers and basalt dragons come out very fast. If you get a pulvy out first and an immortal oty, and then an immortal FQ, it can be beat. Difficulty: 8/10.

Octane: Control: Fire Lance, Eagle Eye, Explosion, Unstable Gas (1 damage)
A hard god, but if you get an early pulvy out and can either draw out other explosions or get lucky with him not drawing one, it's entirely possible to win. I usually quint a FFQ and Oty, since your boneyard will probably be destroyed. Unlike other FGs, a quinted oty doesn't always help much. Lots of early SoGs can help a lot too. Difficulty: 7.9/10.

Osiris: Control: Eternity, Scarabs, Rewind
Very easy. Just draw for the permafrost and then some sogs then deck it out. If you need to, rewind the fallen druid continuously (it won't take long). It can be fun to just play a quinted oty and eat what you can (don't play boneyard though since then the scarabs will get something to eat and do more damage), but usually you'll end up decking it out anyway. Once you destroy it's two eternities (a great way to do this is steal one of them), rewind it's unstoppable creatures. You may have to rewind at the end for a bit, but at least you'll win. Difficulty: 3.5/10, But a little long.

Paradox: Control: None
Super easy, a permafrost shield with a single sog can pretty much stall for as long as you need. And you don't usually have to stall long since otys can be played without quintessence, and firestorm (+bone wall if possible) completely obliterates it since it usually has no clue how to play the blessings. The only thing to watch out for is your super mutants getting TUed, so sometimes I just rely on fireflys for damage. Difficulty: 3/10.

Rainbow: Control: Congeal, Gravity Pull, Lightning, Eagle Eye, Explosions, Steals
If you get a second or third turn immortal oty you can win easy. Granted, getting that isn't easy. Also immortalize the FQ since it's a big target too. Try to hold off on SoGs until you have a bonewall if possible. If you get a slow start, you may need to risk it and play creatures without immortalizing and play your SoGs without a bonewall. Be careful about your drawing; try to stop extra drawing as early as possible since it has miracles and will explode that eternity eventually. So decking out is a likely possibility. Difficulty: 9/10.

Scorpio: Control: Congeal, Ulitharid, Arctic Octopi
Here your permafrost shield works wonders. It blocks the puffer fishes. Again, an oty is the best to immortalize. Another plus is that you don't need to create hordes of creatures since you use SoGs and not bonds. Try and survive with a permafrost to avoid having to deal with poison, but otherwise you can mutate and eat the physalia and puffer fish. Difficulty: 6/10.

Seism: Control: Rewind, Quicksand
Play your permafrost shield early if you can, but otherwise pray to be able to steal a diamond shield. Use quintessence on an oty and the firefly queen. Since you don't use bonds, you have more life quantum, so making fireflys isn't usually as tight. Steal a diamond shield if it gets one early, but play permafrost shields over it since it freezes burrowed creatures too. Play your towers one at a time until Seism either has no cards left in hand or has the quantum to play quicksand at the end of his turn (*before* quantum gain) but doesn't. Difficulty: 7/10.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 11:06:09 pm by willng3 »


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Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15366#msg15366
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2010, 03:00:47 am »
Thanks PuppyChow.. have used your deck some along with Claws which has some of the same slimness. Thanks!


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Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15390#msg15390
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2010, 06:08:05 am »
Lol, mine looks very similar, basically the same idea with SoGs, I just got a few extra cards.


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Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15410#msg15410
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2010, 11:50:44 am »
That's pretty cool. Especially the Permafrost Shield. I don't think I've seen it used before in a rainbow deck.

Quintessense is probably going to be the next big thing. I've only tried it once but I'm pretty sure it's redicilously overpowered when used with the likes of Otyugh or Fallen Druid.

Have you considered taking Miracle? I would definitely take it since you have nothing else that uses life.

Biggest problem with this deck is of course 4 x Shard of Gratitude. 99% of players don't have them so they cannot play this deck. I suggest you make a budget version without SoG's.


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Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15424#msg15424
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2010, 03:10:32 pm »
That's pretty cool. Especially the Permafrost Shield. I don't think I've seen it used before in a rainbow deck.

Quintessense is probably going to be the next big thing. I've only tried it once but I'm pretty sure it's redicilously overpowered when used with the likes of Otyugh or Fallen Druid.

Have you considered taking Miracle? I would definitely take it since you have nothing else that uses life.

Biggest problem with this deck is of course 4 x Shard of Gratitude. 99% of players don't have them so they cannot play this deck. I suggest you make a budget version without SoG's.
I didn't have all of the SoGs either but i substituted feral bonds and 1 miracle.. worked out great

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Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15430#msg15430
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2010, 04:26:35 pm »
I took cokenaspirins deck (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1657.0.html (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1657.0.html)) and added 1-2 quintessences for protecting the otys ... It did indeed work out really well and is close to this one.

Fortunately I won an upped permafrost yesterday so I can go and try out this exact setup too. :D
(I too was a bit reluctant concerning the permafrost shield and wouldn't have spent 1,5k on it just like that.)

I do have a couple questions though:

It relies on gaining early control of the board, and then any extra damage you get from the queen and druid is a bonus; they are required in very few gods. In fact, the FQ could probably be left out and the only reason you would lose more would be due to deck outs. The druid is really only needed against a few gods to mutate the big creatures down to size.
Looking at the deck, I wonder where the dmg is supposed to come from if FFQ and Druid are only "bonus". Are you supposed to wait it out with 2 immortal 6/11 otys or is this a standard "deck FG out"-win?

Also, when reading the FG breakdown section I wonder if simply adding a third oty wouldn't do much better.

When I first started playing with Nytus beginner god-killer (http://elementsthegame.wikia.com/wiki/Nytu%27s_beginner_god_killer) but had replaced the scarabs with otys from the start I eventually ended up throwing in 6 upped otys because if I lost it was mostly because I didn't have one by turn 6 at least.

While playing with the above mentionend deck from cokenaspirin, more or less the same problem arose:
The Oty as first turns key-character without which you are bound to stall about and eventually have to try and make it via mutated skellies and such.

So, in your FG-breakdown you just about always say: "An early immortal oty and you are set" ...

Why not 3 of them so you dont have to wait around and blame it on the draw?

Finally, I would probably add one FeralBond either way:
Sogs heal after dmg is dealt by your creatures making a mastery win near impossible with this deck.



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Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15435#msg15435
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2010, 05:33:53 pm »
The deck is effective for the most part, there's always room for minor tweaking here and there. I just don't like falling victim to the 1/34th chance of Eternity being the last card, and the opponent being resilient. You win some, you lose some :p.

There have been games where I went a few turns (To say the least) without any Quantum Towers nor Electrum Hourglasses.
I got a few Supernovas here and there, but to quench my fear of that reoccuring, I just added another measly tower. A bond also helps in some occasions to get a mastery, but it depends on the player and their affinity toward masteries.

EDIT: Btw, I got those 4 SoG's thanks to your T50 deck, PuppyChow. Much appreciation.


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Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15637#msg15637
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2010, 10:40:00 pm »
You all can feel free to tweak it as you want. I was just giving a basic build. However, with the new AI improvement (bone wall's aren't the number one target), many gods just got MUCH harder. In fact, I'm not sure I'm even going to use this now :P.


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Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15687#msg15687
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2010, 11:16:42 am »
i think we have to focus on either using protect artifact or playing without permanents because atm they are vital for the deck and if they get destroyed the deck is stopped.

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Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15694#msg15694
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2010, 01:03:55 pm »

Added a total of 6 cards:

1 Oty
1 Quintess
1 F.Bond
1 Sundial
2 Qu Towers

It performs really well I must say.

But what's this about the improved AI I hear? Are you talking about 1.16 or 1.17?

Because it didn't pose such a threat to me so far ... sure Rainbow, ChaosLord, Graviton etc. will blow up your shards, towers and even your weapons but the only one thing you must not lose is Eternity ... which I usually play during the last couple turns.


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Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15757#msg15757
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2010, 11:23:08 pm »
Yes, I was mainly talking about the gods with permanent destruction. And version 1.17; for instance the AI now won't always target bone wall.

The gods without permanent destruction are still just as easy in my opinion though, so the deck is still viable.


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Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1748.msg15820#msg15820
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2010, 01:03:40 pm »
I spent 1500 gold, hoping that +1 cost to permafrost shield would cause AI to steal it instead of Eternity, but didn't work out that way. Now I am broke. =/

