Alright, to start off I'll say that I made this deck all on my own, after some major tweaking on my first Speed Rainbow (Wasn't really very fast, revolved around getting out a quinted oty and Lava Destroyer/Forest Spectre)
This deck has won countless matches for me, the only real losses that I can remember were from some really bad draws (e.g. 0-1 tower no supernovas) and not drawing my Elite Charger, (Early enough it can beat through shields) Steal, or Explosion until I was already about to lose or had.
Without further ado:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u5 713 745 74a 77g 7ae 7ah 7dm 7dq 7gm 7ju 7mu 7n0 7q5 7t9 7tf 80a 80a 80g 8pj
Every single card in that deck has won games for me (With the exception of the Frog, since I never seem to draw it unless I'd already clinched the win).
Here's the version I use for t50 farming:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 713 74f 74f 74f 77g 7ae 7ah 7dq 7ds 7gm 7jv 7jv 7mu 7q5 7t9 7tf 80a 80a 80g 8pj
- 5x Quantum Tower- Essential in order to have some quantum after the 4th turn, also fuels the Lava Destroyer/Forest Spectre and makes sure you can play back anything that gets RT'd.
- 6x Supernova- the best card in the deck, without it the "Super Speed" wouldn't exist. Gets everything out early.
- 1x Discord- I know a lot of people don't have one, but if you do, I highly suggest you use one. It absolutely wrecks mono decks, is cheap, and your mark lets it come out (Just make sure you have at least 4
or an empty hand to play it though, so your Supernovas can still come out next turn or they won't have to). - 1x Flesh Recluse- Very good card, I'm sorely temped to replace it with Bone Wall though, but I think it's 2:1 ratio is enough to have me keep it.
- 1x Elite Charger- Another very good card, a bit expensive, but the momentum coupled with the good damage/hp is enough to warrant it's safety in the deck (Wins games vs good shields)
- 1x Unstoppable- Handy card to have around, the +1/+1 is helpful even when the momentum isn't and it can let your 21/15 Golem finally get through that Hope. You can sub it out for a Black Hole if you wish.
- 1x Elite Graboid- Again, what I consider to be the best rushing card in the game (By itself, immo/nova does nothing) and getting a 10/4 on the 2nd turn is very worth the 4 quanta it costs.
- 1x Giant Frog- Just some cheap damage, like the Recluses.
- 1x Forest Spectre- Growth is a very good thing to have, and the cheap 3
means it can come out on the first turn, to maximize growth. Another Frog/Cockatrice is an adequate replacement - 1x Explosion- For the ever-essential perm control, generally you should know when to use it on a tower or not. If you don't think you'll need it, a Minor Phoenix is a very good substitute for this
- 1x Lava Destroyer- Again, growth is great. the 5 cost makes it come out a bit late in a few situations, but the 7 starting attack generally cancels that out, and it only gets better afterwards.
- 1x Abyss Crawler- More cheap damage. A bit high cost for it, but the improved survivability it worth it in most situations. It goes just over the mark for Lightning, which is arguably the best control for Speed Decks. Ulitharid is probably the best sub.
- 1x Archangel- Imo, the best option for light quanta use. You could take blessing, but I think the 7/7 is better than +3/+3, even for 4 less cost. Heal has also saved me lots of times.
- 1x Elite Wyrm- A pretty good card, although a tad expensive to keep up with if it comes out early. The only good sub is probably EE, and FFQ is debatable with it's big 7 cost.
- 1x Electrum Hourglasses- It provides Card Advantage, and lets you streamline some bad draws, getting that extra nova or Graboid you need to take the win.
- 1x Improved Fog- The shield of the deck. I know a lot of people say shields don't have their place in speed decks, but they can win a lot of games. I prefer Dusk, (Actually, I prefer Turtle, but then
would be overused, and I don't want to remove the Hourglass) but I can't have Gargoyle, Steal, and Improved Dusk. - 1x Gargoyle- A very sturdy hitter, coming out with 7 attack for 5
, admittedly with only 3 hp. One of it's best aspects is as a lightning rod, because it forces most opponents to either get rid of it now, or put up with it for the res of the game. - 1x Steal- More perm control, still easy enough to use with the nerf, and better than explosion in a lot of situations (Especially towers).
- 2x Thunderbolt- Takes it's place in the control "Hall of Fame" along with Congeal, RT, BB, Gravity Force, ect.
- 1x Phase Recluse- Very good damage, albeit with low hp. Sits among Giant Frog/Flesh Recluse in that respect.
- Fairly under-used I'd say, Lycan might be a good idea
- Also pretty underused, another Recluse would likely be best
- Probably most overused, got 6 static cost and then the Destroyer. When you've got a Destroyer out and a graboid in hand, it's usually best to wait for it. Only if you have 3+ towers and 2
already. Otherwise, I generally grow. It depends on your opponent, of course.
- Fairly balanced I'd say. Shield can get out on 2 novas or one with some tower help, same with steal. Usually Dusk comes out over steal, unless there is a dangerous permanent out (Pulvy, Eternity, UG, Dim Shield, ect.).
- Well balanced, unless the Wyrm manages to come out early and eat all your quanta.
- Pretty balanced as well, can be a bit troublesome to get the recluse out sometimes if you had to lightning, but it still works.
- Also pretty balanced, just a static cost of 6.
- Pretty much the same as Gravity static of 6
- A bit underused, but that makes the stuff come out faster.
- Dangerously close to being too expensive, even with just the one creature. Still worth it to me, however.
- Balanced if not over-used, and can give a bit of trouble with early Spectre+Crawler, but it's usually best to grow unless you already have 2 
- Pretty even, with a 5 static cost. When you have 4, with a Graboid out (Graboid in hand, I wouldn't worry about it) if you've already gotten 2 novas, I try to evolve. When you have 3+ towers out by all means Hasten, and the same if you haven't gotten the 2nd nova yet (Remember, you should get 1 nova about every 5 cards, so if you haven't gotten the one you're due, try to Hasten).
Possible Revisions:
- +1 Congeal +1 Shockwave/-2 Lightning
- +1 EE or UG +1 Improved Fog/-1 Discord -1 Improved Dusk
- +1 Gravity Force +1 Gravity Shield/-1 Elite Charger -1 Archangel or Frog
- +1 Minor Pheonix/-1 Explosion
- +1 Ulitharid/-1 Abyss Crawler
- +1 Otyugh/-1 Elite Charger
- +1 Liquid Shadow/-1 Steal
- +1 Improved Blessing +1 Elite Pegasus/-1 Archangel -1 Fog Shield/Giant Frog
- +3 Precognition/-1 Electrum Hourglass -1 Unstoppable -1 Archangel
- +1 Black Hole/-1 Unstoppable
And, because it is rainbow, there are near infinite revisions you can make to modify the deck to your preference.
This is one of the best hands I've gotten with the deck

Next turn, evolved both Graboids and drew a Destroyer. Sadly, I overwrote that screeny with one of PvP 2 EM being only 70 coins.