But why golems (and epi) over graboids (and frogs)?
Because with Epi you can do much more dmg than with a frog.
If you epi a golem with 7 atk, it does 15 dmg which is 8 more, while a frog instead deals 3.
Also a Golem doesn't die as easy. And epi helps against basilisk blood, procrastination and freeze.
Why Golem: as long as i don't use Rage elixier it has more hp than atk (depending also on chaos power).
So you're safe against maxwells demon.
with one sn and one pendulum in your opening hand you're able to put a graboid on your second turn, but have to wait
one more to evolve it. so the turn you got your shrieker is the same as you'd have the quanta for your golem. and having
two sn and two pends leads instantly to a golem but an unevolved graboid.
also, you can use rage elixier on a golem without having given any other boost to it.
in late game, because of creature control like reverse time and a black hole/discord or stuff like that, it may happen that you're not able anymore to evolve your graboids,
while a golem still does good damage.
at least those are my reasons (besides the fact that i wanted to built a golem theme deck

), but of course, those 2 atk before evolving + the 4 after can do a difference in speed by some turns