
Offline TyrranikTopic starter

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Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1236270#msg1236270
« on: June 26, 2016, 04:39:51 pm »
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Hi, this is the first deck i post on this forum  :P
This is a heavy control rainbow deck. I saw many versions of control rainbow but i didn't think i saw ones using SoSac.
So yes, when you use SoSac, you lose almost all of your quanta but it's not a real problem, it actually works quite well.
This is NOT intended for FG farming (i've had terrible results, about 20% winrate) because against FG it would need bone walls/phase shields whereas SoSac is intended for SoFree air rush and aether SoW decks, which go though shields.

However, in plat arena, i won 23 out of 42 (55% winrate), having 8 of them in EM (35% EM rate).
During these 42 games, my score increased by 11k and i got 11k electrum (not including the spins).

I didn't have time for more testing but that would be welcome !

The strategy is quite simple, begin your stall with sundials and SoSac, draw a lot with hourglasses and sundials, and wait for your lategame. However, you really have to pay attention to when you need to play sundial, SoSac, or not play them because this is very important not to die in early game.
It looks a bit like a modern version of Scaredgirl's Rainbow (which i love) even though many changes were made.

This may not be the best for electrum farming because this is, obviously, very slow. Your TTW is on average between 20 and 25 turns. But the winrate is very satisfying and it should be worth the cost in terms of score and rares farming. More importantly (maybe?) it's really fun to play  ;D

Note : if you didn't win the game before, you may want to increase efficiency by skipping if you see that you didn't get a single hourglass by turn 4 or 5 because this is the cause of half of the defeats.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 03:47:34 am by Tyrranik »

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Re: Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1236271#msg1236271
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2016, 05:13:28 pm »
i did the same run while talking with u in the kong chat, and i get a 2-8 lol

unfortunaly is really inconsistent, 10 match doens't really show the deck potential (most decks have at least a 50 battles run), i would totally play more quint and remove the almost useless antimatter (ai know how to kill is own antimattered creatures)

sosac doesn't really make u win against wyrms, with almost no pc u can't steal sofree to eat creatures, your only hope is draw fire storm and pray that u have enough  :fire quanta after u sosac.

instead of electrocutor i will go with at least 2 pulvy, u already have enough cc

Spoiler for Hidden:

this was funny
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 05:18:35 pm by Manuel »

Offline TyrranikTopic starter

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Re: Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1236275#msg1236275
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2016, 05:52:05 pm »
I hesitated between Electrocuter and Pulverizer, i still don't know which one is better. You may be right but the deck is already short on gravity quanta and Electrocutor proves to be useful in many cases.
Against Sofree decks, you can totally win with SoSacs because all you need to do is to draw a firestorm and it's very easy having all these hourglasses and SoSacs. I had no trouble.
Maybe you were unlucky, or played firestorms/bonds too early (you wanna keep the ennemy damage and not heal yourself as much as possible in the early to have useful SoSacs) but i think it really works. Are you sure you played cards in the correct order? You really need to have a VERY bad draw to lose against SoFree rush, or do playing it wrong.

By the way there's no antimatter in the deck.

I will do more tests to bring more relevant data  ;)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 06:26:24 pm by Tyrranik »

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Re: Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1236277#msg1236277
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2016, 06:08:04 pm »
the gold league killer use oty + pulvy, is not really a problem for the quanta.
also, in the 2 match i won i've stealed two times the opponent's fire shield, thorn carapace will probably help the deck a lot taking creatures in the oty's range

yeah i figured myself how to play the deck, if 500 hp decks are outrushed by wyrms and other rush with sogs and sancts, this is even harder because if your hp goes below 40 u are screwed; u can keep yourself alive with dials and after that start with the sosac, but is really draw reliable because wyrms are really really fast

Offline TyrranikTopic starter

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Re: Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1236278#msg1236278
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2016, 06:12:48 pm »
Yes you really need to draw a lot, i agree.
Also, i think you're right and i'll swap Electrocutor for a Pulverizer even if i think 1 is enough.
Thorn Carapace could sound like a good idea as well because it kills creatures while you chain SoSacs but by the time you play SoSacs against a rush deck, you probably won't have 7 life quanta. Otyugh can reach them with SoP anyways so i don't think i will add it.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 06:26:43 pm by Tyrranik »

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Re: Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1236280#msg1236280
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2016, 06:28:18 pm »
SoSac is really not good in this deck. You really don't want to have to work up your quanta from zero when fueling whatever SoSe gives you, plus you'll be CCing their creatures with Oty and Firestorm, making SoSac less effective. Replacing them with sanctuaries, and adding some BoneWalls would be an excellent move.
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Offline TyrranikTopic starter

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Re: Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1236284#msg1236284
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2016, 06:43:44 pm »
Not really because you will lose against any Sofree or SoW rush. Did you try the deck? Actually SoSac gives an excellent tempo and having 18 pillars in the deck allows that quanta to be lost.
The goal is, indeed, to use your CC only once you've used your SoSacs. There are here to replace the bonewalls which don't work as well in plat i think. Sanctuaries are not that useful either since you benefit from a lot of heal with SoSacs, miracle, bond and purify if you're poisoned.

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Re: Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1236306#msg1236306
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2016, 11:48:04 pm »
seeing Tyrranik using this deck in plat while streaming on twich:

- won first match
- won second match, special spin
- lost one match against a rush drawing only 2 pillars
- almost em first guy in plat (giordo94), sending him to 4° and giving the first place to higs (and getting 2400 electrums)
- get another win and another special spin

and i understand why it works

about the sinergy with sosac in a rainbow: if u are able to chain more than one sosac with enough pillars, it doesn't hurt so much losing all your quanta for 3 turns of "immortality". also u don't have to be scaried against decks with purify (like pdials), because the chance that the opponent will play purify on him or on a damaged creature  are high.

similar to vdb or pdials, u need to understand the deck and make some practice: u put the healing before or after using sosac, when your opponent as so much creatures that the heal turned into damage doesn't make any difference, or to keep you alive while waiting otys.

chained 3 sosacs, i wasted the quanta of 2 turns for 6 turns of healing, before that i protected myself with dials; beating free queens (without using the 2 fire storms) is pretty hard for a fat control deck (don't watch is only 72 hp, it doesn't make any difference with 3 glasses), and that match gived me the first special spin with this deck

btw, i'm using this version (yeah, i have only 14 upped pillars lol)

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4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 71u 71u 71u 71u 71u 71u 74b 74b 74b 77f 77f 7aj 7aj 7aj 7am 7do 7do 7gq 7hi 7hi 7k2 7n3 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 80h 80h 8ps

sose is terrible in this deck, u don't really have enough space for cards, drawing is more important than random cards.

not good as pdials, but is indeed viable and like the "old" rainbow mass mutant, as the answer to everything, u simply need to draw them

Offline TyrranikTopic starter

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Re: Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1236308#msg1236308
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2016, 02:16:53 am »
To begin with i wanted to build that around SoSer but after the games i've played with the game i feel like you're right. I have removed SoSer and added 1 quintessence, 1 purify, 1 thorn carapace, 1 hourglass and 2 PA. That should be my final version of the deck.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 04:00:56 am by Tyrranik »

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Re: Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1238341#msg1238341
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2016, 05:10:38 pm »
What does this deck has to do with mastodons?
My idealized elements cycle:
Water -> Fire -> Air -> Earth -> Lightning -> Metal -> Light -> Darkness -> Wood -> Water

Offline TyrranikTopic starter

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Re: Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1239088#msg1239088
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2016, 01:00:31 pm »
I just named it that way because it is very slow and has a lot of cards but is nearly invincible after some time.

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Re: Mastodon [Plat] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62191.msg1239089#msg1239089
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2016, 01:32:52 pm »
You guys seem to make a confusion between SoSe (Shard of Serendipity) and SoSac (Shard of Sacrifice)

