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4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 6u3 74g 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7hi 7hi 7hi 7mt 7n9 7q0 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 80b 8po
Spoiler for possible 30th card:
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77m 7dm 7dr 7hi 7k0 7mt 7t9 8po
VW: gives some CC, but doesn't take Skyblitz bonus
Explosion: PC is always good
RE: potentially could give a 48 atk bonus (RE on a grown Deja, TU, twice Deja ability then skyblitz)
SoPa: to increase draw chance
-Suggested-MS: SoW's counter and indistructible DR shield
Damselfly: only one could be a risk, and another creature is good
Steal: Stealing a permanent on the right time could save your life (my personal preference)
This deck doesn't need to beat the opponent, but the SoBra-Chimera Bug !
for those who don't know: Using Sobra, if the first card drawn is a Chimera, it is played for free istantly (thanks

But Chimera is the perfect card for this deck
This deck is meant to be an OTK, but 2TK aren't uncommon.
I posted this deck some time ago on the Italian thread, but we aren't active as we were in the past

Are the international community still active and ready to test ? (I know for sure the answer
