1. DECKBUILDINGYou cannot use the same element more than twice in a match.
You cannot use the same combination of elements more than once in a match. (monos included)
If you use an element there must be at least 6 non-Pillar/Pendulum cards included in the deck.
Other elements' Pillars, Pendulums, and Marks may be used.
You may use up to 3X+5Y upgrades per game, where X is the amount of games you have won in this match, and Y is the amount of games you have lost in this match.
You will be allowed 4 elements. They will be randomized IN CHAT shortly, and then posted here.
You must declare your used elements after each game.
2. MATCHESMatches are best-of-5.
Post battle results in this thread. PM decks used to
mathman and ji412jo.
Players will be required to post their decks in this thread at the completion of the round.