Ah, Nymph Queens. Explains everything. 6 NT+ 6 NQ >>> 6 NT. Meanwhile I just cursed, cause a 60 card deck with such restrictive rules just cannot be reliable.
0-2 vs ARTH0-1 Played sort of an accel/pulvy deck, got rushed by NT. 7 ttw...
1-1 Played an NT aether deck with Squids SoPa etc., worked fine against a life deck (mito dragons I guess).
1-2 Played a quite unbalanced Patient Wardens (too much earth quanta) with added Stone Skin, NT etc. Artha played a fire deck
with 3 Red Nymphs. He played 2 of them in quick succession around turn 6, I couldn't play enough counter CC.
2-0 vs moehrpi1-0 NT Aether deck wins again. Moe played Auburns/SoF all of them got CC'd (had Ice Bolts, too).
2-0 Played a Mono Fire Sundial with 6 deck cards.
Sundials were the last minute additions, and I forgot to change mark to time.
Moe played a lone Blue Nymph, which got killed quickly by RP, other stuff just got exploded. I felt he suffered from the same
60 card unreliability like myself in earlier games.
0-2 vs ARTH0-1 Played a mono fire, while Arth gone life again. Things looked good for a while. Had 6 SoBrs, guess what, could play only 2 in the
entire game. And my 2nd Fire Bolt came as card#39. You cannot win with draw like this against someone who has 3 SoGs. My Fahrenheit
damaged max (19), he healed back 15. He had infinite access to Dru Staffs, I deflagged like 4. In then end he was able to play
a mitodragon, that decided everything (I misplayed raging my own red nymph, thorn killed it quickly, but I guess it didn't really matter,
since you cannot kill an Emerald Dragon with one RP...)
0-2 Back to nymphs, time version with hourglasses. Start decided everything. You know the ruleset is bad, when you almost play mirror
and the start decides everything. Both of us had 6 squids/6NTs. I started with 6 pillars, 1 Ice bolt. Next turn I had an NT, but it didn't
matter because he played 2 squids in turn 2, and an NT in turn 3...
ps: anyone played Wings...?
ps2: Thanks TorB for hosting!