So shortly: I'm near the end of my Diamond Nuzlocke and I'm at the first few caves of Victory Road. I'm down to only 2 Pokémons: a Lvl.51 Kricketune and a Lvl.52 Dialga. I'm having a dilemma about teaching a new move to my Dialga, Dexus. I want to teach him Thunder (Electric, Power 120, Acc 70, special, might paralyze target). Here are the moves he can forget:
- Roar of Time (Dragon+, Power 150, Acc 90, special, user must recharge next turn)
- AncientPower (Rock, Power 60, Acc 100, special, might raise all stats)
- Dragon Pulse (Dragon+, Power 90, Acc 100, special)
- Flash Cannon (Steel+, Power 80, Acc 100, special, might lower foe's Sp.Def)
Which move do you think Dexus should forget? Or should he stick to his original 4 moves?
When deciding, take type coverage into account. My Kricketune has only a Bug type move and some HM moves (Normal, Fighting). I won't be able to catch a new Pokémon until I get out of Victory Road, I presume, so I plan on sticking with these 2 for a long time. They might need to face the Elite Four too in the close future.
*EDIT: I forgot that I have an alive lvl.47 Pelipper too in my PC. That helps covering Water and Flying moves at least.