New Cards: of Wisdom
Shard of Focus
Shard of Bravery
Shard of Integrity
Shard of Freedom
Shard of Patience is now a permanent
Discord's scramble randomizes only 9 quanta (use to be 10)
Nova and Super Nova generate singularities when used multiple times per turn
Purify now can target both players and creatures
Purify now also removes sacrifice and aflatoxin
Unupgraded purify cost increased to 2
Unupgraded purify healing increased to 2
Aflatoxin cost reduced to 6/5
The AI now plays a maximum of 6 Shards of Sacrifice per game
It takes one less consecutive victory to gain a special spin in the arena (bronze=5, silver=4, gold=3, platinum=2)
Bug fixes:
Catapult can now kill the opponent
EM is granted even if the last blow was delivered by a healing creature (e.g. Jade staff)
Deck building page redesigned
Ice bolt does not freeze empty slots anymore
EM vs arena deck during testing does not remove score anymore
Unupgraded pandemonium now removes cloak for both payers
Sundial effect is correctly when a sundial is destroyed
Phoenix + Alfatoxin (0|0 creature): now the phoenix turns into a malignant cell, as intended