Okay, since I started this thread before: card names songs
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35764.0.htmlI compiled all the songs in a list, ordered by the elements according to the bazaar, including the order of the cards within each element. In cases where more than one song exist per card, obviously the first posted appears first.
It would be great if everyone puts their submissions as follows: :element Band/Artist - Song's name link to youtube video (name of the card it reminds you if there could be a doubt about it)
As my two new contributions

Andromeda - Parasite

Russell Allen - Voodoo Hand
(for the voodoo doll card)
Deja Vu ()
Unfortunately, the link to that song is not available anymore, and
Drake_XIV didn't say who the artist was

I liked this post
Hey guys! Watching this thread again and don't knowing what to put in my next playlist I thought about retaking this thread, with metal and electro-indus genres only though to stay in the atmosphere on the bar, so I wondered, may I do a "elements night"? Only songs with card names, like in this thread but in a playlist! The pub will be decorated with elements colors and symbols of course^^ and perhaps we'll initiate new players
Anyway, here I am :
for the Immortal card
Here is the playlist with all the links listed below 
(209 songs/albums in the list so far)
And Here goes the list
Elements The Game

Stratovarius - Elements
Lindsay Stirling - Elements
Hammer / GavelSabaton - The Hammer has fallen
Hammerfall - Let the Hammer fall
Thor - Warhammer
Queen - Hammer to Fall
Relic / RelicSymphony X - The Relic
Shield / Tower ShieldAxehammer - Sword and shield -
Maxwell's Demon / MAxwell's DemonNekromantix - Demons are a girl's best friend
Lycanthrope / WerewolfWarren Zevon - Werevolves of London
Nova / SupernovaMr. Hudson ft. Kanye West
Discord / DiscordMeshuggah - Dancers to a Discordant System -
Eurobeat Brony - Discord :
Fallen Elf / Fallen DruidVolbeat - Fallen
Antimatter / Improved AntimatterJesper Kyd - Antimatter :
Pandemonium / PandemoniumKamelot – The great Pandemonium
Hocico – Pandemonium
Arkasia - Pandemonium -
Shard of Serendipity / Shard of SerendipityAmaranthe - Serendipity
Singularity / SingularityTut Tut Child - Singularity
Ayreon - The Theory of Everything Phase I: Singularity
Bone Dragon / Ivory DragonPaul McCartney + Stevie Wonder - Ebony & Ivory
Virus / RetrovirusIron Maiden - Virus :
M4SONIC - Virus (Live Launchpad Original) :
Vulture / CondorSimon & Garfunkel - El Condor Pasa
(This is a cover of an instrumental peruvian song)
Pendulum - The Vulture :
Boneyard / GraveyardDarkthrone - Graveyard slut
Black Label Society- Graveyard Disciples
Dreadnoughts - Boneyard
Poison / Deadly PoisonAlice Cooper - Poison
Plague / Improved PlagueSlipknot - My Plague -
Switchfoot – Oh! Gravity
Stereotronique - Gravity
John Mayer - Gravity
Sara - Bareilles - Gravity
A Perfect Circle - Gravity :
Wideawake - Gravity Won't Win :
Graviton Mercenary / Graviton GuardIron Maiden - The Mercenary :
Colossal Dragon / Massive DragonWolfmother - Colossal
Momentum / UnstoppableRascal Flatts – Unstoppable
Octopus - Momentum Kriget
Truckfighters - Momentum :
VNV Nation - Momentum :
Titan / TitanHammerfall – Titan
Black Hole / Black HoleMuse – Supermassive Black Hole
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
Chimera / ChimeraThe Smashing Pumpkins - The Chimera
Acceleration / OverdriveIOSYS - Overdrive:
Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive :
Foo Fighters - Overdrive :
Michael Jackson - Earth Song
Titanium Shield / Diamond ShieldDavid Guetta – Titanium
Rihanna - Diamonds:
David Bowie - Diamond Dogs :
Stratovarius - Black Diamond
Gnome Rider / Gnome GemfinderPink Floyd - The Gnome :
Earthquake / QuicksandFinger Eleven – Quicksand
La Roux - Quicksand
Labrinth - Earthquake -
Incubus - Quicksand
Televisor (ft Iris) - Life
Opus - Live is Life :
KoRn - Got the life
Adrenaline / EpinefrineShinedown - Adrenaline:
Deftones - Adrenaline (full album)
Leonard Cohen - Who by Fire
Warbreath - Hell Fire
Ihsahn - Called by the Fire
Crimson Dragon / Ruby DragonKaiser Chiefs - Ruby
Fire Spirit / Fire SpectreGun Club - Fire Spirit :
Fire Bolt / Fire LanceThe Sword - Fire Lances the Ancient Hyperzephyrians
Deflagration / ExplotionEllie Goulding - Explosions:
Rain of Fire / FirestormDragonforce - Sonic Firestorm (full album)
Phoenix / Minor PhoenixStratovarius – Phoenix
The Butterfly Effect – Phoenix
(also the name of the band is a card

Rezonate - The Phoenix
Ash / AshBlind Guardian – Ashes to Ashes
Rezonate - Ash
Angra - Ashes
Faith No More - Ashes to Ashes
RATM - Ashes in the Fall :
Blue Crawler / Abyss CrawlerMarbles1136 - Abyss
Circus Maximus - Abyss
(for abyss crawler)
Freeze / CongealWithin Temptation - Frozen (Freeze)
Evergrey - Frozen (freeze)
Purify / PurifyLacuna Coil – Purify
Neurosis - Purify
Metallica - Purify
Toadfish / Puffer FishRoatan Honduras - Toadfish song
Nymph's Tears / Nymph's TearsNightwish - Nymphomaniac Fantasia (Nymph Tears)
Flooding / InundationTool - Flood
Pantera - Floods :
Steam Machine / Steam MachineDaft Punk - Steam Machine :
Shard of Patience / Shard of Patience Take That - Patience
Photon / Ray of LightMadonna - Ray of Light
Pegasus / Elite PegasusMake-Up - Pegasus Fantasy
Holy Light / Holy FlashStratovarius – Holy Light
Guardian Angel / ArchangelAndromeda – Arch Angel
Adagio - Archangels in black
Within Temptation - Angels:
Aaron - Angel dust :
Iron Maiden - The Angel and the Gambler :
Iron Maiden - The Fallen Angel :
At Vance - Fallen Angel
James Labrie's Mullmuzzler - Guardian Angel
Blessing / Improved BlessingEvergrey - A touch of blessing
Morning Star / Morning GloryAngra - Morning Star
Kamelot - Morning Star
Miracle / Improved MiracleVision Divine – The Miracle
Blackmill - Miracle:
Cascada - Miracle
Foo Fighters - Miracle :
Hope / HopeMyrath – Hope
Apocalyptica - Hope
Apocalyptica - Last Hope
Tobu - Hope -
Ayreon - Day Seven: Hope
Ayreon - Lost in the Tower of Hope
Slipknot - All hope is gone
Crusader / CrusaderEpica - The Last Crusade (Crusader)
Saxon - Crusader
Keldian - Crusader
Sanctuary / SanctuaryBlind Guardian – Banish from sanctuary
Nami Tamaki - Sanctuary
Iron Maiden - Sanctuary
Shard of Divinity / Shard of DivinityWretched and Divine - Black Veil Brides
Air Song by Solar Fields -
Thunderstorm / Lightning StormDragonforce - Cry Thunder
(for thunderstorm or thunderbolt)
Firefly / Elite FireflyOwl City – Fireflies
Shockwave / ShockwaveBlack Tide – Shockwave
Matduke - Shockwave:
Myrath - Shockwave
Wings / WingsSymphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy
Black Label Society - Spread your wings
Macklemore + Ryan Lewis - Wing$:
Angela - Tsubasa
(Tsubasa is japanese for Wing(s))
Him - Wings of butterfly

as well)
Shard of Freedom / Shard of FreedomDavid Hasselhoff - Looking For Freedom
Pink Floyd - Time
Blind Guardian - Time What is Time
Dream Theater - Take the Time
Deja Vu / Elite Deja VuThe World Ends with You - Deja Vu
Iron Maiden - Deja Vu :
Dream Theater - Strange Déjà-vu
Eternity / EternityRobbie Williams – Eternity
Direct - Eternity
Iron Maiden - From Here to Eternity :
The Mangetic Fields - Promises of Eternity
Anubis / Elite AnubisGale Revilla - Rise of Anubis
Sundial /SundialWolfmother – Sundial
Intronaut - Sundial
Scarab / ScarabIhsahn - Scarab
Precognition / PrecognitionPrecognition (instrumental) by Nevermore
Pharaoh / PharaohSymphony X – Pharaoh
Nightwish - Tutankhamen (Pharaoh)
Nightwish - The Pharaoh Sails to Orion
Ghost of the Past / Ghost of the PastInstanzia – Ghosts of the Past
Starcraft 2 - Ghosts of the Past music
Linking this song because it has the names of five elements in it, and references at least eight: Within Temptation - Shot in the Dark
Black Dragon / Obsidian DragonLuca turilli – Black Dragon
The Vines – Black Dragon
Dissection - Black Dragon
Devourer / PestFear Factory - Smasher/Devourer
Decapitated - Pest
Parasite / BloodsuckerPsyclon Nine – Parasitic
Andromeda - Parasite
Kiss - Parasite
Deep Purple - Bloodsucker
Dusk Mantle / Improved DuskGenesis - Dusk
Steal / Improved StealSnow Patrol - Steal
Nightfall / EclipseBlind Guardian – Nightfall
Rogue - Nightfall
Pink Floyd - Eclipse
Andromeda - Eclipse
Iron Maiden - Total Eclipse :
Vampire Stiletto / Vampire DaggerThe Orion Experience - Vampire
Drain Life / Siphon LifeSacred Reich - Draining You of Life
Minor Vampire / VampireAntsy Pants - Vampire
Liquid Shadow / Liquid ShadowLindsay Stirling - Shadows
Gargoyle / GargoyleRhapsody – Gargoyles, angels of darkness
Dinosaur Jr. - Gargoyle
Voodoo Doll / Voodoo DollJimmy Hendrix – Voodoo Child
The Prodigy – Voodoo People
Russell Allen - Voodoo Hand
Heart - Voodoo Doll
Nightmare / NightmareRotting Christ – Nightmare
Avenged Sevenfold – Nightmare
Pendulum - Propane Nightmares
mesaprotector said about the band's name, but the song has nightmare on it

Archive - Nightmare is over
Matt and Kim - Good ol' fashion nightmare
Artension - Nightmare
Cloak / CloakOceansize - Cloak
Shard of VoidRed House Painters - Void
Black Nymph / Dark NymphAbrahel - Black Lips of Sexual Doom (The Dark Nymph)
AC/DC - Thunderstruck
Spark / Ball LightningWarmen - Spark
Lightning / ThunderboltThe Wanter – Lightning
Iron Maiden - Lightning Strikes Twice :
Aerosmith - Lightning Strikes
Yes - Lightning Strikes
Parallel Universe / Twin UniverseRed Hot Chili Peppers – Parallel universe
Immortal / Elite ImmortalRhapsody – Land of Immortals
Skinny Puppy – I’mmortal
(though this last one goes for I am mortal, it’s phrased to mean both things I guess)
Evanescence - My Immortal:
Quintessence / QuintessenceMastodon - Quintessence
Darkthrone - Quintessence
Silence / SilenceBlind Guardian – And then there was silence
Angra - Silence and Distance
Simon and Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence
Sonata Arctica - Silence (full album)
Depeche Mode - Enjoy the silence
Shard of Wisdom / Shard of WisdomRhapsody - The Wisdom of the Kings
pendulum(s)Nightwish - The Poet and the Pendulum
(*) Broken link. If later on someone finds a new link, please share it