You see a strange man sitting at a desk in the corner of the Chat room, and you haven't noticed it before but its adorn with various trinkets odds and ends, pictures and such.*^_^ Waves hello towards you*
Hello my friend, I'm DesertKnight. Pleased to meet you.
Today is my first day and if we battle I hope you don't hold back and completely wipe the floor with me.
I'll have to post a bit more later.
My job keeps me away from being a full time member but if I have some free moments, I'll do my best to be active.
I'm here for fun, the enjoyment of the company of my friends, and the thrill of battling; win or lose.
Enjoy the battle, fight ruthlessly against the RNG gods, and have fun!My current goals are:
- To get some/all of my forum levels back.
- Try to be around during weekly tournaments
- Grind in the game and finally - get all the cards, complete the collection
As for war, trials, or BL/CL and any special events may have to wait until I'm adjusted again.
I still don't know how to use my relic deck yet...
I look forward to playing against you *Bows politely*
Be seeing you!