I guess I just cant hang. I got pounded in the arena all night, losing to shard decks over and over in silver. I dropped down to bronze and fought 2 shard decks in a row there too, that promptly beat me down. In 2 hours of arena, I never strung together more than 2 wins.
Then, I try HBs, lose 3 straight. Then move to good old Ai3, finally getting frustrated after 2 hours there without winning a card and losing 2 straight to black hole decks in a row.
Haul for the 6th long night? About 300 electrum in 5 hours, plus 2 common cards (blessing and a fire pillar). I now have almost 900, in a 6 DAYS of playing multiple hours.
Its a little different when you win a decent card now and then. But if you arent, and are getting hand after hand with all pillars or no pillars, it gets really frustrating. Im getting nowhere, and am tired of fighting for hours for no rewards. I really dont want to log in to fight 1 FG a day, but I really dont see any other options.
I think the arena needs a major overhaul. If you have shards and a ton of upped cards, you need to be in gold. Not hanging onto level 20 waiting to smash new players. There also needs to be a step between Ai3 and HBs, instead of going from level 0 to level 60 ai opponents. This is a major design flaw, and the rewards are terrible unless you get a lucky spin.