I've been playing Elements for a while now, but never came to the forums or interacted with the "community" more than looking things up in the wiki. Lately I have spent quite a bit more time on the forums for ideas on deck building, farming, and FG strats.
A couple friends of mine found Elements over a year ago and got me hooked. I have a long history of playing CCGs, but whenever I got into a new one... I quickly tired of buying cards and all the shenanigans that goes along with a "for profit" card game. The evolution of the meta is fun within a set, but when new sets make your entire deck obsolete it's pretty lame.
That said, I have been using slight variants of the same mono Aether deck I built over a year ago. It's all upgraded now (even the immortals I never use >.< ), but now it farms top50, lvl5, and Polari's excellent post (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,23368.0.html (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,23368.0.html)) showed me that farming FGs as mono-aether was feasible (more so than only going FG when the oracle told me the next FG was Paradox, Neptune, or Morte).
Anyways, I know I've gained a lot from other people's contributions to these forums, and I hope at some point to be able to contribute as well. Also, leagues and tournaments? Awesome. Elements is so much more than the mindless grind I treated it as...