Hello everyone. (officially)
The name's Logan and I really like how Elements is progressing. Even though this is my first post, I've actually been playing since December of 2012. I took a pretty long hiatus from this game but came crawling back for more. After reading about the 1.4 update, it seems things are still going smoothly around here and I'm looking forward to it.
I haven't tried as wide of a variety of decks as I would like, mostly I have been going through the community recommended decks to bolster my wallet for upgrades. My favorite element is probably entropy for how lucky (or unlucky) it's cards can get. Even though it's not as efficient, I still play around with Fallen Druids/Elfs and whatever else I can get my hands on for mutation fodder. If anybody out there knows other fun decks that are semi-reliable, I'd love to try them out.
Anyways, it's good to be back in my . . . Elements 8) (YEAHHH)
That joke has probably been used before. sorry.