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Idea behind deck was to stop an immolation rush and anything else fire has. The only thing I was worried about was a fire bolt deck, which the stone skins were supposed to guard against (if they did use one, they would increase my health to 200 and make it harder to do). Basically you hind behind PAd dim shields until you can fractal a shrieker. Then you play half the shriekers, check for RoF, and then play more. I chose to bury some of mine in case a RoF did come after I had played the rest.
Game 1: This one was actually close. I only drew enough to EA two dim shields before I had to stop, and then she destroyed another. I then played one more and got lucky that she didn't draw another deflag. I also was lucky enough to be able to fractal shriekers early and was JUST able to do enough damage through a fog shield before she would have won by me running out of dim shields. In addition, I had drawn both stone skins which enabled me to stall for enough aether to play another dim shield after she deflaged the first unprotected one.
Game 2: This was more in my favor. I drew a lot of shields and EAs so was able to stall through 4 (5?) shields before I fractaled shriekers and played five at once (and then played more the turns after). I also was able to use the two stone skins for 50hp before the fractal so I had 136 hp that I don't think coke could have depleted even if I hadn't gotten another shield after that.
Good games.