yay it worked thanks
i was writing a reply with you post quoted and i notced something slightly different in the code
what my one had - the []'s
img width=282 height=436]http://imageplay.net/m7Gbd64848/Shape_Changer_AETHER_UNUPD.png[/img
What you posted - the []'s
img width=282 height=436]http://imageplay.net/
there was a img/ missing causing it to blur when the width and height were modified
thanks man +karma

/me starts to change all the images and add the rest
on my updating adventure i found out some more info that may help people when uploading pics
mine has some [url http://image... BLAH BLAH BLAH] [img ]http://MY IMAGE IN TEXT AS ABOVE[/ img][/url]
i removed all of the [url --- /url] stuff (leaving the [img --- /img] in there
and i found the real reason for the bluring --- it had added a sneaky '_thumb.jpg' to the end of the image text code above
e.g. blah blah blah...m7Gbd64848/Shape_Changer_AETHER_UNUPD
the pink now said '_thumb.jpg' so i deleted the '_thumb' and changed '.jpg' to .png'
images now fixed ! woo