Interesting idea for a card. The downside to this card is I dont really know of any time that I would use it other than maybe RoL/Hope, but even then I might not use it. Photons are not widely used in decks other than those that rely on spells to work, such as immo rush and RoL/Hope. If those decks were to use this, it would take away the spells that make the deck function so well. Im also not really sure who would want to sacrifice all of your spells for photons, a weak 1/1 creature. Say you have 2 miracles, 1 blessing, and 1 holy flash in your hand and you use this card. You would be losing 2 large heals that could save you the game, +3/+3 attack for 1 creature, 10 healing for either a creature or yourself, and 5 quanta for changing those cards into 4 photons/RoLs. Because of that, this card needs to change if it is going to possibly move to the forge. I think that change should be something like summon X amount of photons for every 1 or 2 you have on the field. That would make it much more used and less UP. If that were to happen, not as many fractals would be needed in RoL/Hope. This is an interesting new card, but it wont be successful unless you change it slightly.