used 1 relic.
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534 5un 5un 5un 5un 5un 5up 5up 5v0 5v0 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 713 713 713 71b 71b 71b 7t5 7ta 8pk
Saw Earth mark, and was like OH NO immortal, but then saw 30 cards and was like HECK YES grabbow.
Game 1 [WIN]: Got a sweet start with 4 pends a couple bonewalls and a parasite in hand on the play. He BBed the parasite right away and started swinging in with a shrieker and morning star. I played very patiently and started bonewalling at 27. Got a little poison on him and eventually got dragon and eclipse and hid behind bonewalls til gg.
Game 2 [WIN]: A little slower start, but got multiple parasites out quickly. He killed the first and BBed the second, but he got a very slow damage start this game. Eventually spiders and bonewalls showed up and I closed it out.
Game 3 [WIN]: I got a very fast start with a parasite and a spider. He tried a different approach by flipping his grabbies and killing the spider I played early. I got some poison on him and killed two grabboids. Bonewalls then held him at bay while my dragon and poison finished the game.