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4su 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61u 61u 622 622 622 625 625 625 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 80l 80l 80l 8pu
1st: Win
He won the toss and played 4 quanta sources.
I started off with only 3.
My two early lobos got immediatly deflagged and left me wondering just how many deflags he had. When my following Psions raged, it was clear that he couldn't have that many.
Two steamers were countered with a Dim and a fractalled Psion, giving me the win after a couple more turns.
2nd: Win
This time I won the toss and it started with my 5 quanta sources vs. his 4.
EvaRia started pouring creatures on the field and my Lobo was able to disable 2 steamers. When his damage was too much for my taste, I started a dim chain with 3 dims in hand. One deflag was all I saw. When I finally managed the Fractal, it was just a few turns to my victory.
3rd: Win
Again, RNG was on my side for the toss, 3 quanta sources vs. his 4.
My hand contained 2 psions, a fractal and a dim. RNG decided to just give me a Lobo as first card, because why not? My non upped psions which kept comming were raged, but I kept the upped one in hand for my fractal.
Sadly, I had to save up quanta in order to play my stuff. But it was just enough to squeeze out a victory.
Just 3 more fire Quanta and I would've been dead.
ggs EvaRia, thanks for the match!