6th Elements Council
Time's up! It's time to elect the 6th Elements Council! For those who don't know, Elements Council is a 12 member administrative organ of the Elements community, comprised of the 3 Admins and 9 community members. Its two main jobs are:
1. Appoint new staff members
2. Come up with ways to improve our community
1. RequirementsAll community members who meet the following requirements, will have a chance to become Council Member candidates:
1. Joined the forums no less than 3 months ago
2. Full Member (200+ posts)
2. How to ApplyTo become a candidate, please
send me a PM with your application. Be sure to read
What the Council looks for in applications if you haven't done so recently. Current Council members may apply.
3. Forming the Elements CouncilThe Administrators will discuss the candidates and pick who they think would form the best Council. The only exception to this is that only 2/3 of the current Council is eligible for re-election. In this case, that means at most 5 Council members can be re-elected to the 6th Council.
Council will discuss all matters in private. All suggestions will be put on a vote. Administrators will also join the discussion and vote if tie breakers are necessary.
4. Future of the Council* The 6th Council will hold office for 4 months. At that time, we will review the term period and make changes if necessary.
* There will be no term limit for Council members, but only 2/3 can be re-elected each new term.
* The 6th Council will (hopefully) start their term on April 16th.
If you think you are up for the challenge, please apply now. This is your chance to make a difference and help out the community. Also, you'll get a cool title!