This deck looks fantastic. How well does it work unupped?
Well, I have things to say about this now. And to sum it up in few words, what Gandora said. But now for the details and why.
First of all, I only found one pro when playing unupped: There's a slightly better fluidity regarding the daggers, as you can play them in consecutive turns rather than having to wait longer for the upped daggers.
But now for the cons:
1. Wind pillars instead of Damselflies - this effects the gameplay of the deck in two main ways, damage output, and the overall usefulness of the parts (SoFre in this case). With only 6 daggers for the 4 shards you're less likely to draw, they're not
as worth it to have in the deck, as a better alternative would be something like Sky Blitz.
2. Animate Weapon costing
- this weakens the deck's versatility, and makes it much less multi-purposeful. (Only 1 of 3 2-color combinations would work when drawn as opposed to the 2 of 3 when AW is upgraded).
Aside from those two main points, most of the cards are more expensive, and the deck is slower overall.