Oh. My. Breath.
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4vh 4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vl 4vl 4vl 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 55q 55q 55t 55t 590 590 590 590 590 5ia 5og 5v1 61q 61q 77g 7dm 7dm 8pm
I was away the whole deckbuilding phase, and this is what I was dealt.
But words can not express my gratitude for the team.
Game 1:
-2 gpulls, -1 purify, -1 nightmare
Enter the storm!
Earth mark means grabbow.
I fear lightning and I keep mah boids deep down in the ground. He seemed to have a not-fast draw/deck, at one point he plays Dim Shield. My Discord is up and rambling, and I hold a precious Explosion in hand. I get his Dim down. He has 3 Aether quanta. Gogo Deflag on Dim + 2 Aether quanta from Discord. This meant, Phase or a Nova-Dim combo was going to hit me hard. None. Up 1-0, down with dinner.
Game 2:
Enter the dinner!
-1 discord +1 gpull. It was a rather good match, I had a good draw. He also had one. And oh, the damage race.
Early cord/boid combo, but he was rather fast. His fog was also quite a game-changer. The nail on my coffin, tho, was his Arsenic, which did some non Lightningable/GPullable damage.
Boy, I deflag the fog and have another deflag in hand. This means 1 more nova and I can pop an eventual after-fog Dim Shield. 1 nova? No nova. Bad bad bad.
I should have waited a bit to deflag that fog, and this may have costed us the match on a failish/fair fog.
Game 3:
Enter the RNG!
Same Decklist as before.
1 nova hand for me. A train of emotions.
1 nova hand for him. This will get interesting.
The game went in a battle of rushes, with their rush getting the upper hand because no deflag on our side.
A lovely and intense game.
Game was so close.
And I lost.
Enter the Heartbreak!
Game 4:
-1 discord, -1 gpull, +1 momentum, +1 purify.
A dive to the heart.
2 novas.
First turn Lycan.
A battle of rush, again.
He gets down to 7 hp, I have a purify on me and close to 40 hps.
He has quanta, I have 1 darkness quanta. Nightmare in hand, 3 cards in his. No deflag, no momentum, quanta to play them.
Whatever, he didn't play dim. I drew a graboid.
Game 5:
Here we go again, game 5.
Look at your hand, what's in it?
I have it.
Your novas are now graboids.
1 nova. Again. With grabbows. No pends.
Have to draw a 2nd nova and be fast. This is a turning point.
He plays Dim, I don't have much time. I need 2 turns to win. He has 5 quanta.
Make it/Break it.
Discord takes 2 aether quanta. Yes yes yes.
We did it.
We did it.
Never let me down again.
20:50 RavingRabbid: 3-2.
20:50 RavingRabbid: LOVE ME.
20:50 inthisroom: YES
20:50 Calindu: WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!1
GGs, deuce, I had some truly epic matches.