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Round 1: In the beginning my draw looked very bad. But everything I needed was already in my hand against that stall. The pends and pillars topdecked. Dragons, PU and later more Dragons from Fractal allowed me a huge damage. I was always keeping one drag in my hand for fractal, because of his CC.
Round 2: It went pretty the same like in round 1. Win.
Round 3: bogtro didn't CC'd my Drags so I feared he is trying to beat me with his Drain Life(s) and his Vagger. It worked. Well played. Loss
Round 4: This was amazing close. He didn't draw his shield for a long time. I had the possibility to do my damage easily. He also didn't CC'd my creature for a while, just then when he needed. But actually it was a bit too late, cause I had Fractal ready. Well, I feared that my creatures won't hit and bogtro has enough Drain Lifes ready to beat me. Also his Vagger stomped my HP almost to the bottom.
Good games, bogtro! Well played.