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52g 52g 52g 52g 52p 52p 52p 52q 52q 52r 52r 534 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 622 622 625 625 625 625 713 713 713 8pu
Game 1:
Bad draw for hain so he held his hand but quanta - I'm guessing to disguise if it was Dev-tal or Vamp-tal from me. I suspected Dev-tal at this point... Also played Bonewall WAAAAYYY too early in match (not expecting to have time to Plague I guess? not sure what my thought process was on not holding it...).
Game 2:
hain beat me. I Plague'd his Vamp's but mistakenly Fractal'd (intentionally, but was in hind-sight a mistake) Psion instead of Recluse which allowed hain to deploy Nightfall. Vamp's hence lived a turn long enough to give him victory.
Game 3:
I had a good draw and managed this time to remember to Fractal Recluse. hain was about a turn from likely getting another Vamp-tal and taking over the game. Whew.
Game 4:
FAIL quanta draw for hain. Top-decked a Fractal just when I needed/could use it and the Recluses flowed me to victory.
Good games hain and I do grasp the nature of winning by fail draws. Would have been QUITE interesting duels had you had better draws. Also