This is a really fun deck to play around with!
I was scouring this sub-forum for something else I'm working on, and stumbled across this thread by accident. I quickly became intrigued as to the viability, because with a quick glance it looks like it can have a hard time getting started and the draws might be wonky. But after trying it out a bit against Elders (AI3), I thought it showed enough promise to pursue it further.
You mention you haven't tried it much; but it does okay against AI3 - not as well as more established decks, but the fun factor makes up for that.
It's adequate against Half-Bloods (AI4), for anyone wanting something different, or a newer player that would like to learn how to handle nymphs, before venturing into the arena.
In Bronze, it went 40 for 50 games played (80% win rate), during the period from Aug 28th to 29th, 2014. I include the date in the post, because people reading this in the futur may find that the general type of decks there may have changed through later modifications to the game.
What I really like about the deck, is the great amount of versatility, and the possibilities it can bring to the field. Steal, arctic squid, various nymph abilities, opponent permanents (which you should view as potential advantages to you), really makes you think through each move. A position which might look like a loss, can be turned around if one puts a little effort into considering everything and going through some combination possibilities - like during the middle game of chess.
I took some pictures from some of these games, to show what I mean...
Bronze #1:
Bronze #2:
Bronze #3:
Bronze #4:
Bronze #5:
Half-Blood #1:
I am not going to explain each picture, but I chose these in particular because if you study each one, you'll discover that there is a lot going on, or that a lot has gone on, and they show how each game can turn out so differently.
I found AI4 was more fun than Bronze, because there is more versatility in opponent decks (I purposely did not include any pictures of all the mono aethers in the arena).
So then, after experiencing your deck, Gandora, and I suppose the way I have come accustomed to playing it; I find the following (very minor) modification improves things:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4sa 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5ib 5ib 5ib 5ig 5ig 5ig 5ig 5j2 5j2 5j2 5um 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 5up 606 606 606 606 606 606 8pp
A little bit of diversified quanta in the pool, because if you steel an opponent pillar / pendulum - you can create a nymph from it immediately and use the ability next turn, without having to wait a few turns for it to accumulate before hand. Stealing a pulverizer, lobotomizer, or owl's eye, means you might be able to use its ability also. Or, if desperate, you can always roll the dice and see what type of nymph you get from the quantum pillar itself.
Great work, and as soon as I qualify to do it, I'm giving you a "+" reputation.