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Good games kev - and hey, taking a screenshot of me losing is pretty absurd.
Thanks again for the match!
Some summaries for your satisfaction:
Game 1: I see aether mark - Woohoo! Fractal Dragonflies~
I bust out an early Fire Shield and wait patiently to put out some Sanctuaries - his quanta sources are abundant at this point, and he plants a devious Eagle's Eye to snipe my creatures (...which I don't have). I wait a few turns, wondering if he was going to try to do 'bursts' of Dragonfly spam, but then he hits me with an unexpected upgraded Sky Dragon.
I try to hit it with a Rage Potion but
SURPRISE, I totally forgot they
weren't upgraded, so I practically gave him a
18/1 attacker. Worse, I wasted a bolt on that dragon, and well... things just spun out of control with me flailing deflags and other cards into play.
Game 2: 1 Pendulum draw hurts hard. I had a bunch of Sanctuaries in my hand that I couldn't play in the game (let alone the spare Improved Miracle), and despite me getting a few extra fire pillars later on, his dragons just popped out and crushed me. No amount of bolts and CC could deter his creatures, and at that point, I was toast. 0-2
Game 3: This time, I get a decent draw, and he begins stacking up TONS of
. At this point, I brace myself for the OHKO (I finally drew a light pillar this time around), but he just never popped out the dragons all at once. He posted up a shield and bow (the latter which I exploded on sight), and put out a Dragon every other turn or so later on, but my Fire Bolts/Shield/Rage Pots incinerated them before they could do any major damage. I decided to deck him out, and realized that he didn't have that many PUs in his deck, which was... interesting. 1-2
Game 4: Similar draw to last time, but I feel the pressure of not having enough
to get some early healing on the board. I take out one of his early dragons, and then he phases out with his shield. Around half-way through the battle we desync.
I decide to fight his AI -just- to see the outcome, since I had a good hand... until he pops 3 dragons and two consecutive PUs without any warning and I get demolished in a turn essentially.
...side note, this is why I suck with fire. =(