Normally, you wont play this deck as a rush deck, but as control. Otyugh and SoFo are key cards. Try not risk them before you draw enemy CC to one of your Chargers.
Of course, if you have several Otyughs in your hand, there is no problem in losing one of them. Also, you can play your Oty vs elements that dont have CC, like Life, Light and Death (Death has plague, but it wont be used vs a single creature; Death single CC is virus, or Aflatoxin, a card rarely used in Arena). Vs mono Time, you can play your SoFo 1st, because its CC is Reverse Time, so use your cheapest creature. So, know the CC your opponent can possibly use and play accordingly. But usually, play a Charger before risking an Oty or SoFo, even because your Charger can still survive and deal damage most times.
After the 1st creature survive, its usually ok playing other creatures. A Charger in play will still draw most CC, so play Oty if the opponent deck looks creature based (a Life deck, for example, or a pillarless nova bow), or SoFo, if you feel a pesky permanent (like Owl Eye or Lobotomizer) is on the way. If you have a Nymph in your deck and its avaliable, it can be a priority if opponent deck has little quanta flow - look for a quanta lock, or is moved by quantum pillars, novas and immolation).
SoFo will probably not have problems about massive CC (Rain of Fire, Thunderstorm, Pandemonium, Dry Spell...). If you can, play more than 1 SoFo. The first one, if Gravity Force is avaliable and opponent damage isnt too high, use it twice and put the Gravity Force on it. Keep destroying enemy permanents. Sometimes its ok let the enemy have a dragon (or another creature), even when you can devour it, just to add charges to your gravity pulled SoFo. If you play a 2nd one, use it once if opponent can use massive CC, and have it resting for an emergency. When you are 2-3 turns to your victory, if an EM is possible, use the SoFos and have them 1 use to generate a Black Hole. Use them at your last turn, and use Black Holes to gain HP and EM.
Dont forget that:
- SoFos (and the Nymph) can be used to feed the Otys, if the enemy has creatures with 5+ HP.
- If you are using your SoFo as meat shield for creatures you cant devour, and there arent more enemy permanents to destroy, you can use its skill just for the HP bonus, and then cancel.
- Although having a PC ready for an emergency has good uses, sometimes (mostly if the enemy uses a rainbow) you can use it just to have a Black Hole for healing.
Otys, however, can have problems about massive CC. Usually, 1 Oty in play is enough, unless the enemy has several creatures to be devoured (usually happens to nova / immolation rush decks). So, if enemy can have massive CC and you arent in need, keep your 2nd Oty in hand. If opponent doesnt have massive CC, feel free to play.
If you have more than 1 Oty, still stick with the same Oty to devour enemy creatures until its HP is higher than the creatures opponent will probably play, then use another one. Example: you are playing vs a Bronze mono Darkness deck. Black Dragon has 5 HP, so you need to devour a Minor Vampire or Devourer (or one of your creatures) to devour it using Oty. Enemy can also play Nightfall, so if you dont have a SoFo ready, you may probably need 7 HP (upped Dragon shouldnt be a problem in Bronze). If your first Oty already has 7 HP, use the 2nd one to devour next enemy creature. If CC is used in the 1st one, you will have the 2nd ready. Oh, and remember an Oty with less HP can be used to feed another Oty.
The Nymph is quanta expensive, so unless opponent uses several quanta types, you will play it when the game is already controlled. Then use it to heal. Negating quanta with the Nymph is normally useless vs a mono or duo opponent, unless you have your SoFos destroying pillars early game. Like said, the Nymph is a bonus, and sometimes can be helpful (vs rainbows), but its not necessary.
More Chargers are usually also played when you already have an Oty and SoFo going. If your 1st Charger dies, also replace it asap to avoid Oty getting targeted by CC. An weak Charger can also feed the Oty if needed.
This deck is not badly affected by PC. But sometimes:
- if enemy can play Earthquake, I wont play more than 1 Tower and 1 Pendulum in my first turn to check.
- if enemy can play Deflagration, I usually wait a bit to play the Titan, I will play the Chargers 1st. Gravity Shield is mostly useless vs Fire, so Im ok if it draws the PC, so I can play the Titan.
- if the enemy can play Steal, I usually dont play the Titan, and if I do, I will have a SoFo ready.