Q: Pretty picture for banned cards?
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vi 4vp 52n 52s 534 55v 563 568 5c9 5ig 5io 5oj 5p0 5rh 5rk 5ro 5rs 5v1 61r 622 623 626 8ps
Q: Can we use less than two copies of a card?
A: Yes. Two is the maximum, but you can choose to use only one copy of a card.
Q: What about marks?
A: Marks are treated as pillars and are not limited to two copies.
Q: This is the same tourney as last week.
A: That wouldn't be a question, but last week's tournament was postponed due to issues with the PvP duel servers. We chose to run it at the same time this week.