As of this post, here is what I find:
Still not a fan of dessication, but seeing as how t-storm was buffed, it is better. The problem with quanta gain and acceleration is that it is only really useful early in the game. Later on, it's not as effective.
Changing SoP to water but still have it increase HP will probably make fractal sparks broken.
SoD to light I'm ambivalent about. Light has even more healing, but it also stops decks like mono fires from free healing.
SoG feels like it's really treading on bond. Already shifting life mark made it too focused in life, an element with plenty of healing, but this change makes it even more so.
SoR loses its more creative uses with cards like steam machine and other mono ability cards. Not sure if that was a good idea if it was just aimed at instant mitosis.
Nerfed SoSa to 1
. That's fine. The problem is, it still has an elemental punish instead of elemental reward.
SoV to
. SoV doesn't really synergize with any darkness cards very well, and it was already a pretty niche card that mainly fit into zen or other stall/stallbreakers.
SoSe to 3
might be a pretty big nerf. In a mono or duo entropy deck, random cards won't be much of use. In an SNbow, 3
is probably too much to spare for 3 random cards.
SoFo moved into mono gravity. It requires 4
, but it still feels like it might be too powerful. 4
+ 1 card + 3 turns = 1 black hole + 3 deflags
SoBe in fire. Well it certainly nerfed it, stopping nova/immo.
SoI nerf is pretty minimal. Most shard golem rush decks can easily get 1
with nova, and even an
mark can summon it quickly. I do not think that this nerfed its speed.
SoW in
makes it even more situational and almost forces it to be used either in mono aether, or a complex impractical combo for it to funciton well.
SoFre to
I'm ambivalent about.
Can has more PC pls?