I rather like this idea. Its a little less broadly useful than deflag or generic destruction but not as heavily destructive as earthquake or trident and its desctruction per use falls somewhere in between as well...
Whether time should have easy access to hard CC is a different debate, of course, but compared to other permanent destruction mechanics this seems relatively balanced. Personally, I think the tie in with earth should be enough though.
The only issue I have with this being a time card is its interaction w/ SoR.
In any other elemnent, the card cost and relatively high ability cost woud be ample for balance.
Unfortunately, as a time card SoR complicates and unsettles that balance.
This card plus a handful of SoR's could be quite powerful. I'm not sure if its enough to make it game breakingly OP or not...
On the surface, its a better bet than reflag or butterfly effect:
- This plus 1 SoR: 2 cards, 9
mono combo for 4 permanents instantly destroyed, free 2 permanent per round destruction - Equivalent destruction for reflag: 4 cards + 12
mono combo for 4 permanents destroyed instantly - BE DeJaVu + 1 SoR: 3 cards, 9
duo combo for 2 permanents instantly destroyed, free 1 permanent per round destruction - BE DeJaVu + 2 SoR: 4 cards, 12
duo combo for 4 permanents instantly destroyed, free 1 permanent per round destruction
So in terms of raw destructive output this clearly beats deflag and B.E. combos.
It takes fewer cards, can be done as a mono, and is at least as cost effective in terms of quanta… The limitation on targeting is a little harder to factor in, however, so I will leave that up to a cost theory discussion.
Right now, I'd say its probably a little too powerful compared to Deflag or BE… Its probably not as bad as SoF. But, SoF is pretty unanimously considered to be brokenly OP…
If it is agreed that SoR does break this mechanic under time element, maybe it could work as a gravity or life card instead (same

cost for ability of course)? That would be the simplest solution.