Hello, everyone. I've been lurking around for a long time before I came to participate more and end up introducing myself.
I confronted Elements for the first time in 2010 at kongregate and became fascinated with the in-depth deck building mechanisms. I didn't even know there was a forum until last year but here I am!
My main deck was a trio with
Mark built around Pulverizers (my favourite weapon
). It had
towers and graboids but after having fun grinding with it in AI3 I found that it sucked so much in pvp (except against monoaether and few other PC weak decks). I will try to tidy the deck up and post it someday.
After I came to the forums, I found another Pulverizer deck and liked it very much!
willng3's The Wrecking Ball: (
oops I misspelled the username first time lol)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32982.0.html (the href code for html didn't work xD)
I will strive to contribute as much as I can but I can't make any promises since things will get busier for me next year
Looking forward to having fun with a great community.
P.S.: FYI my ign is DukeVermont