Hello everybody,
I'm VanWinkle from germany and considering the years what someone would call an adult.
I've been playing Elements for about 4-5 weeks now and it already completely shut down my activity on other games. Thats sort of a surprise to me, because its either my first fantasy card game and the first time I'm playing pvp online.
What I like about the game is the room for creativity it provides. It's amazing to see the different skills work together and create endless strategies. Ad you never see what's coming. A few moments ago on pvp1 I ancounter a guy plying a deck with sharts only. By the way, that was a lucky spin! I was wondering, why the other plyer left at once. He couldn't win against 50 cards. Lucky me, the first time I a was playing pvp with such a huge deck. The CPU mainly used the Shard of Sacrifice, which I didn'T know. So I came to the wired situation, that I had ti lower my total attack. I put momentum on one of my sarabs and startet to eat some of them until my attack was lower than 28. Then I finshed him off. Never thought I would use the cards like that. Even encountering completely new situations, the depht of the game allows one to adjust one's strategy.
First I registerd on the forum to gain better access to the great usefull articles and tutorials the more experienced players provide here. But by now, there might turn up some issues I might need help. For it's quite some time since I learned english at school, please excuse any mistakes.
See you on pvp and whish you good luck on your next match.