The Age of Random CardsIdea By: mesaprotector | Art By: Cyrille Bernizet (cow)In this competition, you'll be given card titles and will have to design thematically sound Elements cards for them. The catch is where the titles will be taken from - from random articles on Wikipedia! Rules and Requirements:- 1: All submissions should be PMd to mesaprotector.
- 2: Every card submitted must be from one of the official 12 elements (not Other).
- 3: No art is permitted.
- 4: You only need to submit the unupped version of the card.
- 5: Submissions should be made using the Card Image Builder: You can upload images from the builder to Imgur and PM the image that way.
- 6: Thematics are important above all - make sure your card relates strongly to your given title. Balancing is good, but less important.
- 7: Your card has to have the same title as your article, unless your article's title does not fit on the card.
Note: A link to the Wikipedia page for your assigned title will be included with your submission for voting (by the organizers, don't worry about it) - this is to help those who haven't heard of the article's subject, which knowing Wikipedia will be almost everybody.
Phases: After the initial sign-up phase, all participants will be given their assigned card title and will have one week to design a card. There will then be a one-week voting phase. The competition will last 3 rounds and is limited to the first 27 participants.
Sign-Up Phase:
Sign-ups: Design Phase III (Final):
Desigining is over!