1- ( to all challengers ) I would like to know if you guys have full upgraded darkness sets, and if not, how far you are to getting it.
I am close, and am also able to get it quite easily. I just can't be bothered unless it is necessary. (winning trials would make it necessary)
4- ( Annele ) You are currently leading by quite a bit in these trials. Did you think you would get this far when you signed up?
No, actually. I was kind of hoping to pull through in Phase 3 as being the only non darkness vetran, but the RNG seems to be in my favour, and so does my prediction of decks. However, votes are still appreciated

Question to everyone: If you had to do a
deck, what strategy would it rely on and why? (Build the deck or just mention some cards and explain the synergies).
As the nymphs now have somewhat good stats, I'd probably make a Nymph Tears/Liquid Shadow deck. However, I doubt this would be the best deck to use, I am better at making fun decks to enjoy using.
Darkness is one of the complete elements, but it is generally a very slow element. It takes time to get stuff going, and you don't see it having blazing fast rushes like death and fire. Could you build a darkness "rush" with 2/3 in element cards? Upped is allowed.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t7 7t7 7t7 7t7 7t7 7ta 7ta 7ta 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tb 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 8pt
Can get 6 TTW with the right draw, which occurs about half the time. The other half is about an 8 TTW.
What do you think is missing (if anything) in terms of darkness card to be a favorite for winning the war?
Darkness is one of the most complete Elements, it is why I like it so much. However, for War, I would believe it needs stronger synergies with other Elements.
A card like this:
could tightly bind together Darkness and Life (an Element with strong Darkness connections in the first place), and resulting in decks that could be very strong in War.
to all candidates: Do you think Parasite is underpowered and underused? If yes, how it can be improved?
I personally think the Infect ability is somewhat a side-ability, so it needs something to make it worthwhile, like Toadfish has decent attack. Without changing the card completely, I would suggest lowering the casting cost by 1, but imo it needs a total rework. For example, something like what I submitted in the Deck-In-A-Card competition:
Which carries on the theme, but has a slightly more competitive ability. (Especially with Nightfall/Eclipse.)
To Annele and Odii Odsen: From outsider's perspective, how did Team Darkness perform in War#5?
I didn't particularly follow war, as I was fairly new when it was going on, and my main aim was to get known in the field I liked best. (Note the -ed.) However, I would say that it may have been down to carelessness, RNG, or old stale blood. Don't get me wrong,, I love TorB and all he's done for Darkness, but ideas get reused, and it would be nice to have a new perspective.
To all: How would you improve the community if you become the Master?
I am planning to improve the Community as a Curator, though I don't think that's what you mean. As a Master, of course I would try to win War, and I would try to encourage new deckbuilders, even if their ideas are not new. Of course, it is better to check first, but who knows? You encourage someone to be innovative, and they could go and build the next Instosis. (Darkness style)
Darkness is one of the most complete elements, but what is it missing? How would you patch this gap?
This is similar to a previous question, though I think that is about War, whereas this is about the Element in general.
Personally, I feel Darkness needs a way to be able to concentrate its strength into one aspect, while sacrificing others. For example, maybe sacrificing rush for more control/stability, like this:
Or maybe a way to do the opposite, like this:
I don't see much cloak usage. Build me a deck with 4 of them!
I actually use Cloak a lot. It saved my butt facing Ruta once.
I find it can patch up a lot of weaknesses in Darkness decks, for example in VaderSader to avoid being Paradoxed, or like this:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uo 5up 5up 5up 5ur 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5v2 5v2 5v2 5v2 5v2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 8pj
A deck I made, but didn't use, for Phase 2. It removes one of Chaos Vamps's deadly enemies: CC. Without restrictions, I would probably mod it to this:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t9 7t9 7t9 7tb 7tb 7td 7td 7td 7td 7td 7td 7ti 7ti 7ti 7ti 7ti 8pj
What does the element of darkness mean to you?
Hmm... tough one. I love the theme of Darkness, GETTING WHAT ONE WANTS, WHEN ONE WANTS IT. I also love how it is complete, and does not have to resort to duos to fill in gaps. I love how most of the time, it is hard to plan a deck against Darkness, as a deck the destroys one Darkness deck will, in turn, be destroyed itself by another. However, dims will destroy mono-life, as there is NO chance of PC, etc.
I think this is a very important strength to play on in War.
My question to all of you: Do you think you can lead Darkness to win War 6, and why? Say I wound up on your team. What makes you qualified to lead me? What makes you worthy of replacing ToRB?
TorB was - is - excellent. He can make any strategy Dark, and is really strong in PvP. At the moment, all I can offer are fresh ideas, but given the opportunity, I will take on knowledge and become like him, though with different ideas. This is what makes each Master different.
I learn extremely quickly, and get on well with others (when I want to

). I can also teach others in a way that's not demeaning.
As a leader, I like to listen to everyone's ideas, but I like to know WHY. If you believe the deck I want to use against Life will fail, I'd like to know why, and if your reasoning is valid, I will certainly take in your opinion, and probably go with it. There are very few things someone can't change my mind about.
In addition, I too would like to know how you plan on contributing to the community in general. There is more to Mastership than war after all, and I'd like to see some glory brought to this element.
This is like a previous question, though I'll answer it anyways.
I plan on showing the community that through Darkness, one can get what they want, and also to help other Elements become complete, like Darkness. Of course, I can't enforce anything onto Zanzarino, so the next best thing is to encourage cards that are not just cool, or thematic, but help COMPLETE the Element, if you know what I mean. For example moomoose's Psion, gave Aether Pseudo-PC, and a new theme that can be built upon.
To Annele, do you prefer dogs or cats? And why?
I think they both have their ups and downs. For example, I hate yappy dogs or huge scary dogs. I also hate really fluffy or skinny or hissy cats. However, if a dog is docile and loving, it is likely I will fall in love with it. Same goes for a cat that likes being brushed, but isn't going to molt everywhere.
Basically: I like and hate them both the same.
BTW, my mum is allergic to cats, if that helps.
To all: If you become master, will you have enough time to be a general? If not, whom do you plan to make a general (if you already got some idea)?
DEFINITELY. War occurs over my summer holidays, so I will have plenty of time, as I am not going anywhere. I look forward to War.
( All ) If you had to take a card from any element and make it darkness, which would it be? ( ghost not allowed )
Why would I choose Ghost? It creates a new slant to Time, and making it Darkness would ruin that.
As to what I would choose, it'd probably be Black Hole. Stealing quanta from your opponent to heal you sounds exactly like a Darkness card. It would also synergise greatly with Devourer, AND require a complete makeover for SoFo.
(Annele) If you had the opportunity to steal points from your competitors to hae an edge in the final battle, would you do it?
Of course! That's what being Darkness is all about. Stealing from your opponents to make you stronger. If I was given that opportunity, I would take it. I'm not like those pussy Light Elementals (no offence to the people in Light Trials) who would do the 'right' thing. I want to win, and I'll do it any way I can.