Suddenly, your speaking style changes to a kind person's.
uhm...? (never ment to be rude, just having fun)
Also, you say you dont put more than 4 gravy because you gonna get gravy cards from sose but whats the chance ?
Well, I use 3

(sorry), but I'm like, if I get a Massive Dragon, I want to play it, when I would have a charger instead of a BH it would cost more time to get the massive dragon, and with oty it's even worse since it has an (good) abillity you're using. The chance I'm getting a

card might be 1 out of 13 but there's also chance to get more grafity cards which are cheaper.
You have to think how to win without soses, then when you put soses, gonna be way stronger.
Well, the deck withoud sose is like one back in the time of 'Tha fastest speedbow eva', then it was really strong, but still I fight against many decks which still would lose against such a deck. And sose helps alot, and the main thing is that it is fun.