Light/Fire Supah Angels (new cards)
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The Blazing Divine What elementalist could possibly think of angering such heavenly creatures as angels, not only just sealing their wounds, but continuing to cause rage in their souls?
One who wants to harvest their true power and divine terror.
Marked with fire by the righteous as one who generates heat, the elemental establishes pillars of blinding light. Illuminating the battlefield, these towers emanate purity with their brightness. Because much light is needed in order to call down Archangels, these structures act as beacons for the divine guardians.
Rays of sunlight dance across the sky, further brightening their paths, making it much easier to see the approaching enemy. The refraction piled up is more than enough.
Instantly, two pillars of flame, falling from the sky, collide with the rays, consuming them and scorching the ground beneath. Pyres roar and sear the earth, producing an energizing warmth. Even without the rays, the light shines on, awaiting to be channeled by its master.
The light on the field dims a little. And so, descending from Heaven, an Archangel gracefully lands, ignoring the scorching heat. Dressed in pure white with wings protruding from its back, the being stares its adversary in the eye, daring it to try and hurt him. He can withstand most attacks without flinching. Though the times he is attacked, simply healing himself is enough, and he then proceeds to deliver great power. A round between the two fighters, and another angel is called down, mirroring the first almost exactly.
By now the fire lessens as some of it forms into a bottle. Flames, licking and jumping, try to escape their containment, but nothing prevails. One angel grasps the container, consuming the liquid, and almost immediately becomes a different creature. Its face turns red and fighting becomes detrimental, but reckless. To calm this angels rage, it is blessed, and whilst it is still a more powerful fighter, it’s now more concentrated. The other angel heals the empowered one, and tranquility once again describes the scene.
One moment of fury after another, the strengthed beings devastste their opponent with attacks only creatures of unending healing can have. The pattern continues, and eventually nothing stands in the Archangels' way, and their duty is complete.
Surveying the scene for anything left to decimate, the holy guardians ready themselves for departure. Meanwhile, the rays of sunshine slowly drift to the ground, shuddering, flickering, and falling; they produce no more light, for they have expired. A rage elixir falls to the ground and spills but the earth remains undisturbed, soaking in the contents. The pillars of red-hot energy die down until they are no more than one small candlelight, only to be suffocated. The towers of glorious light grow dark, causing the battlefield to darken immediately. Those structures, cold and dark, collapse upon themselves becoming a useless pile of rubble.
The Archangels ascend to their place of origin, only to await again the call of battle, when the light is brightest.