I've added a third challenge.
ALL CARDSSpoiler for Hidden:
No card restrictions in this challenge. You can use your shards, your nymphs, your marks, even your relics if you want! However, there are combo restrictions and number-of-copy restrictions.
- No more than 2 copies of any Shard type in a 30-card deck, 3 copies in a 60-card deck (i.e., in a 30-card deck, you can have 2 SoGs, 2 SoDs, and 2 SoFo, but not 3 SoFo)
- No Discord and Black Hole together (No DBH)
- No Ghost of the Past and Nightmare together (No Ghostmare)
- No Fire Bolt and Stone Skin/Sanctuary/Miracle together (No healing Firestall)
- No Quantum Pillar and Nova together (No Speedbow)
- No Immolation and Phoenix/Golem together (No Immo rush)
- No Devourer and Fractal together (No Devtal)
- No Dimensional Shield and Protect Artifact together (No protected Dim Shield stall)
You can use any of the cards listed above. You just can’t use any of the above combination of cards. So for example, you can use Discord in your deck. But if you use it, you can’t also use Black Holes in your deck.
We can play this unupped, partially upped (6, 12), or fully upped.
Any other suggestions of over-powered decks that should be banned? I also thought about Catatitans, Poison Dials, and those Upped Entropy Pendulum+Supernova rushes, but I'm not sure if they're considered too powerful or not.