Maybe you're not supposed to animate it :>
Is the attack too high? Should it be 6 or something? But then it seems to be worse than morning star since morning star is 7 damage for 5
and immaterial.
Well I missed the longsword.. lets think about it.
You have to rewind Excalibur on every 3 turns, and it costs 1/3

per turn.. and blocks drawing 1/3, (drawing is worth 1 quantum) so it's consuming 2/3 quanta per each turn. And more, it's forced to duo.
And then 7 atk with (3 + 1[duo] + 2/3 t) cost seems actually little-bittle UP. maybe 1~2

Oh shoot, Did I just mentioned 21 damage with 1~2

? (with no water?) AAAh so hard to balance.