I like this idea, though it needs better balancing:
- Bronze pack: 5 cards, 0 upgraded cards 1 rare assured(78% weapon, 7% Squid, 7% Pharaoh, 7% Miracle, 0.75% Shard, 0.25% Nymph) Each other card has a 1% chance to be a rare too.- Price dunno, maybe 600 electrum?
- Silver pack: 7 cards, 1 upgraded card, 1 unupped rare assured(78% weapon, 6.5% Squid, 6.5% Pharaoh, 6.5% Miracle, 2% Shard, 0.5% Nymph) Each other card has a 2.5% chance to be a rare too.- Price dunno, maybe 2000 electrum?
- Gold Pack: 10 cards, 4 upgraded cards, 2 unupped rares assured(72% weapon, 6% Squid, 6% Pharaoh, 6% Miracle, 9% Shard, 1% Nymph) Each other card has a 5% chance to be a rare too.- Price dunno, maybe 6500 electrum?
- Platinum pack: 15 cards, 10 upgraded cards, 4 unupped rares assured(66% weapon, 5.5% Squid, 5.5% Pharaoh, 5.5% Miracle, 15% Shard, 2.5% Nymph)- Price dunno, maybe 20000 electrum?
Sounds fairly reasonable. My first post was just there to give a rough outline of the idea. If people like this, balancing cost and %s will need some definite attention... Also, the chance for nymphs and probably shards as well, needs to stay very very low to preserve rarity. 15% might be too high... let me hit mathematica to see if I can get a scale worked out.
Ok, got it now. Here is the break down:
In the table below, ExVal is the expected amount of

a player would have to pay on average to get a card (shard or nymph)...
At the very least, the %chance to win needs to be equal as the cost of a pack rises (it should probably improve - i.e. get lower, as cost rises)...
You can calculate the expected value of a shard as:
Eval = $pack / %WinAtLeast1 = $pack / (1-%WinNone) =
$pack / (1-(1-%listed)^#rares) ...(the ^ means exponent)
(although with very low %s and #rares, you can just use $pack/%listed)
This gives:

It looks like the % for nymphs and shards on silver packs is a little to low compared to bronze packs. The % on shards for gold packs should probably be lowered as well.
I would suggest changing to:
-Bronze pack - .04% shard, .03% nymph
-Gold Pack - 8% shard, 1% nymph
which gives:

Lastly, the guaranteed rare should probably not be part of the bronze pack, or else you will make it too easy to get them... maybe just up the %chance for getting a rare from one of the cards instead.
Setting the chance for a card to be rare to 12% would mean an average of .6 rare cards in a bronze pack, which is roughly half of the 1.175 average rares for a silve pack (keeping with your trend of roughly doubling the number of rares per pack)
...Although my instinct says we should probably reduce this across the board in order to "keep rares rare"