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Beat My False God, round 2!
Here's how to play:
1) A player posts a FG deck, marking it 'INGAME', 'LEGAL', or 'ILLEGAL' based on whether it follows the standard FG deckbuilding rules or not. (For example, all ingame FGs are Ingame, regardless of whether they follow rules or not. A 60-card silence deck would be Illegal. Any deck that follows generic FG rules is Legal.)
False God Legal Ruleset1) 12 cards maximum (6 at most in the deck code, since FGs double the deck by default.)
2) No Shards.
3) Upped cards only. (EDIT : The Trainer will now automatically upgrade all unupgraded cards in FG mode. Please do not use unupgraded cards in your FG decks, regardless if they are in Illegal format or not.)(if you're using the Illegal format, of course, you can break these rules.)
2a) The next player fights that FG by importing them into
the Elements Trainer (using the AI6 Custom Import Option), and posts whether they won or lost, along with what deck they used and a screenshot of the match (screenshot is optional, but I recommend it). A winning player may choose to use an 'Ingame', 'Legal' or 'Illegal' False God next, while a losing player can only choose from using an 'Ingame' FG or building a 'Legal' FG.
2b) You can't respond to your own posts.
3a) Beating False Gods gives you points. The point totals are as follows:
Loss to Any God : 1 Point
Win- Already Ingame False God : 1 Point
Win - Original Legal False God : 2 Points
Win - Original Illegal False God : 4 Points
3b) Please post your current score along with each post you make on this thread.
4) First player to 20 points wins, and gets their name added to the OP of this thread in the Hall of FG Slaying Badasses. That player chooses/builds a new False God deck, and the game starts again.
5) Try to avoid posting the same FG consecutively.
6) Having trouble building/finding an FG deck? Look in
FG Proposals for player-created ideas. (Remember that all False Gods will double the posted deck by default, get 200 HP, and have triple mark.)
7) You are allowed to post your victory first and reserve your FG to be edited in later. However if you take too long to make the next FG I may null the reservation and post a generic ingame FG to keep things moving instead.
8 ) Regarding tiebreakers:
If players tie within a relatively short time of each other (at most, 5 minutes between the two posts - this is referred to as a 'ninja') when they notify the thread/chat:Any Post > Messaging me in chat that you won.
Post w/Screenshot > Post w/Deck > Post with nothing
Post w/Deck AND w/Screenshot > Post w/Deck or Post w/Screenshot
A post MUST have at least a screenshot to be a valid win. In other words : If you post a win that's missing a screenshot/deck everyone else has 5 minutes to post a win with both deck/screenshot and negate your win until you add the missing part. If everyone else takes too long then your win is not negated.
If two or more 'ninja' players make an EDIT to their post when a ninja occurs, the timing resolves as follows:A) If the faster player edits only to add their FG, then the ninja resolves based on the above quality rules. If posts are 'equal quality', then faster player wins.
B) If the faster player edits only to add their FG + something else (Screenshot or Deck), then the slower player may win if they had edited their post to contain a screenshot
and deck faster.
Sidenote : The losing player of a 'ninja' event gets no points.
Hall of FG Slaying Badasses- Calindu, the Slayer of Seabeasts
- Dragtom, Champion of Silences Torn
- THEACCUSO, The Spirit Magus
If a player links their FG proposal thread with their False God, try to avoid purposely reading for counters. After all, what's the fun of beating a False God with a deck you already know works?
With that said, let the fight begin!
CantarellaLegal : 2 Points on Win / 1 Point on LossIt's time for me to sing you a silent requiem. Will you be awake to listen at the end?Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
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