Deck Helper comment: This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now. Use at your own risk.
I'm surprised that there are still too few rainbow grinders that use SoFo. But first, here's a little backstory:
I saw
Loufoquebow before, and saw the silly 5 SoSe's. I don't have 5 SoSe's! So I had to improvise. Well, I added... stuff. Wings for everyone! So I added wings. After the great god of everything Shard of Focus was released, I added those, too. Poof! Bye bye pulvy. And after a few months of derping around and not grinding, I decided to start again, and I threw the deck code in chat.
Calindu threw some mutations (not literal mutations) at the deck and well it, er, mutated.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6uq 6uq 6uq 713 752 752 752 77g 7ah 7dq 7gv 7k5 7n8 7n8 7n8 7q5 7tb 80g 8pj
Yeah, that's something very original.

Have fun. And oh please help this deck. I couldn't even think of a name!
I can now kiss my grinder goodbye...
EDIT: after some testing, I got 24+ wins 1 loss in silver. Not so sure about how many wins, but I got 6 special spins and 1 loss.